Tuesday, December 20, 2011

10 Months Old!

Look who is 10 months old!!!


Eye are still blue...

Now that Miss Madilynn is 10 months old...she is keeping mommy and daddy VERY busy! She is crawling, crawling, crawling...EVERYWHERE!!! Daddy finally had to put the cabinet locks on because she LOVES to open up all of the cabinet doors, especially the one with the stereo in it, boy did she like to turn the stereo on...and off...and on...and off....and on....and off!!!! (Needless to say we stopped that!)  She is still pulling up on everything, but just cruises along the furniture...no steps by herself...yet!  Her middle top *two* teeth have joined the party....which involved many sleepless nights for mommy and daddy. Madilynn has so much fun playing and exploring during the day we are lucky to get an hour nap....and REALLY lucky if we get two naps!  Madilynn has upgraded to a "Big Girl" car seat...and seems to enjoy it....though mommy is finding it challenging now that she is not confined to her baby carrier once we get home until mommy is ready to let her out!!
One of the cutest things she has started to do this month is wave...and say "Hi!"....which she has a ball doing...waving to the Christmas tree, and all the lights, and Santa...she says "Hi!" to them multiple times a day.  She really enjoys playing with Tugger and now will hold his toys up for him to come and get....she does pretty good at knowing which are his and which are hers...though sometimes I've found her with his bone in her mouth! YUCK!!!
She is eating more and more normal foods - mostly at daycare, because mommy is still scared of choking...but when she does get normal food she really seems to enjoy it!
Often she switches which hand she picks things up with, but most often seems to favor her right.


This month has gone so fast - we can't believe Christmas is almost here! Madilynn has been helping in the kitchen.... 

 Sometimes she will chew on her links and just go about her day....it is funny!

Can't wait to see what the next month holds.....