Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Madilynn Counting

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Madilynn is 2 years old!

Our Miss Madilynn turned 2 years old this past Sunday! Where did the time go? This time last year she was just learning to walk....and now she is running around, jumping, skipping, climbing - singing, counting, recognizing colors and shapes and animals. She is also becoming such a great big sister!


"Cheese" She LOVES coloring with her markers as you can tell...she is mainly right handed - but sometimes uses her left.

We had a birthday party for her Saturday - complete with a Mickey Cake!

She got several gifts including: a tricycle that "grows" with her, and a helmet; puzzles; books; towels; a Minnie yacht, complete with Daisy and Pluto; a stuffed horsey; money; animal/letter flash cards; Horton Hears a Who - so Aunt Katie doesn't have to watch Mickey all the time when she comes to babysit! 

She did a great job blowing out the candle - complete with a bit of spit on the cake!

Papaw- Jim

Papaw and Mamaw

Aunt Val and Meredith

Playing with her new Daisy, Pluto, and Mickey Toon-plane.

Devin, Meredith, and Aunt Stephanie

Meredith and Aunt Sharon

After the party these two were worn out!
Mommy made a Mickey pancake for the Birthday girl Sunday morning!

She loves these Hello Kitty boots we got as hand me downs from the Overmyers!

Still loves reading books before bed! Notice her arm around Meredith - such a great big sister!

Madilynn is talking much more - though apparently Matt and I are the only ones that can usually understand what she is saying.
We haven't tackled potty-training yet - but she did get a portable potty seat for her birthday - so perhaps we will try soon! Less diapers would be great!
Madilynn is still a fruit girl - loves any kind - would eat it all day if you let her! Still a pretty good eater otherwise - though she does become picky on certain occasions.
Favorite TV shows are "Mickey" - Mickey Mouse Clubhouse; and "Rocket" - Little Einsteins. Favorite color - purple.
Favorite toy to sleep with - the Mickey and Minnie the girls got for Christmas - good thing Meredith doesn't know any better!
She still sucks her thumb - generally when ready for bed.
Still occasionally naps on the floor in front of her door rather than in her bed. Luckily still takes a nap - usually anywhere from 1-2 hrs daily after lunch.
Cute things she says: "bless you mommy" when I sneeze or blow my nose; "careful Daddy" when he is leaving for work; "3-2-blastoff" not sure where this came from, or why she doesn't say the 1;  still refers to Meredith as "baby sister" or "baby"; "I running, I running" as she runs back and forth across the living room; "chocate milk" when she wants her drink - I've even had her wake up and heard her yelling for her Chocolate Milk - must have been pretty thirsty!
She also enjoys going to Music Time at the library on Tuesdays with Meredith and Mommy.
Her official 2 year old check up is delayed till late March...but at a recent appointment she weighed 25 pounds. She is wearing mostly 2T, though some 3T shirts, or 18 months pants will fit her.
That's all I can think of....it's been a crazy year - full of such great memories - so looking forward to what this next year has to bring!