Thursday, March 28, 2013

Meredith is 8 months old!

Who's who???  Can you tell which is Meredith and which is Madilynn?
I think the brown hair is what gives it away.
Notice when Madilynn was 8 months she was into standing up (so long as she was holding on to something)...Meredith isn't quite there yet....but she is getting better.

Here they are in the dress I made (with lots of help from Aunt Rose) - Madilynn however is 7 months old when she is wearing it, and Meredith is 8.

She still loves to suck on her two fingers.

She is a very happy, laid back baby....she loves clapping.
 She is also starting to become more vocal - and has already realized she has to be LOUD to be heard! She says what sounds like "Ma-ma", and sometimes she really does direct it at me!

She still just has her two bottom teeth, though I think a third is on it's way. We have had several sleepless nights lately and her bottom gums look pretty swollen.

Go figure - Madilynn NEVER sits for photos - yet today she came and sat in on Meredith's of course I had to get a couple of them together.

Meredith is just about a full time crawler. Just today she has been crawling more than she has been doing her army crawl. She is into everything - and anything she comes in contact with goes straight into her mouth! She has to be right where her sister is - which so far is ok - Madilynn (for the most part) enjoys having her right there with her. Of course if she doesn't want her to get something she is playing with she is quick to let her know - I often hear "No - Baby Sister". Meredith is starting to show her displeasure when you take things away from her - she definitely gets mad!
And when you hold her she is quick to turn herself around so she can see what is going on!
A few photos from the past month....
She is quick - and you never know where you are going to find her!

Our little Crawler!

Here she is on Saint Patrick's Day!

Madilynn loves having Meredith in her tent with her!
(Notice Tugger's fuzzy ear in the foreground....he's usually not too far away either!)
Ready for her to sleep more at night - this past month as not been much fun. Though, she did have some sort of sinus infection at one point, and now I think teeth are the issue. We've really been working hard to make sure she gets enough to eat during the day so she doesn't have to eat so often at night! She is really starting to let you know what she likes to eat and what she doesn't. Quite the opposite of Madilynn she likes to eat her vegetables, and isn't much a fan of fruit! (especially peaches - she really doesn't seem to like them)
We go back to the Dr for a nine month check up - will get an update on her height and weight then.
(She is probably somewhere around 16 pounds currently based on our last appointment.)
Until next time!

Trip to South Carolina

This past weekend we were able to go to South Carolina to visit with some of my family. Even though the weather was cool, and rainy we still had a great time!
We fit in few Easter activities including a visit with the Easter Bunny...and coloring Easter eggs.
Here are several photos from our trip!
I guess I need to be thankful there were no tears (but smiles would have been nice!)

Meredith and Matt didn't color eggs but we thought it would be a good time to get in a family photo.
We colored eggs the first night we were there - Madilynn did well considering this was after dinner, after a LONG drive!

She of course was Miss Independent, and wanted to do it all on her own.
She started off trying to use the egg dippers....

This cool device made the eggs look tie-dyed.

Notice she found it much easier to just pick the eggs out of the colors rather than try balance them on the dippers...luckily the dye washed off pretty well.

Even Gigi helped color some eggs....

This is her "cheese" face....we need to work on getting her to smile for photos....apparently we only get the smile or this.

We attended Palm Sunday services at Aunt Rose's Church, we were able to hear Anna and Shalina sing in the choir. And with Kevin's help Madilynn walked down the aisle waving a palm branch.
These photos were taken after church.

Madilynn wasn't into getting too many photos, luckily Meredith didn't mind...

No, we didn't stick her in here for not cooperating....she wanted to play in the dog crate rather than get her picture taken. She spent hours playing in the dog crates....sometimes with a dog, or Anna in the crate with her.

Shalina, Anna, Kevin

Coloring with Gigi

Ok, so yes I picked out her outfit, but she added the headband, sunglasses, and Anna's shoes.

She sure does love the dogs - here she is with Ellie.

We had a great time - our visit was way too short. Thanks Aunt Rose and Shalina for including all of the fun Easter Activities - I doubt I would have been brave enough to color eggs this year! Although I think next year is the one I need to worry about!!!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Madilynn Singing!

At least we know we are getting our money's worth for Madilynn's Daycare!
Just this past week she surprised me by singing two songs for me - they are ones
she learned at school because I don't ever sing them with her!
I was shocked when I realized on our way home from school she was singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star!
The next day I was even more shocked when she was playing with her Alphabet School Bus and she started singing her ABC's! 
She is getting so big!!!! Enjoy!
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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Meredith is 7 months old!

Well February 24th came and went - and my baby is now 7 months old! She is getting so big!
(the 7 month sticker is no longer I had to improvise...)

Not very often is her sister far away. They both really love each other, and enjoy being together!
Meredith is now a pro at sitting up - no longer does she need this pillow behind her! She isn't able to get into the sitting position by herself yet - but she is pretty close! She's just about grown out of her bouncy seat now - I think it is getting too dangerous...too often she tries to sit up / forward and looks like she could fall out! She's very nosey and likes to see what is going on....much like her sister....though Meredith seems to be more of a do-er than an analyzer.

Now that Meredith is on the move she doesn't lay on this playmat too much anymore (not that she had much room to herself anyway).

Loves to chew on anything and everything! Her first tooth finally peeked through this month (bottom left)...and now the second is on it's way (bottom right).

Daddy's been working a lot lately, but she does enjoy hanging out with him when she gets the chance!

Madilynn still likes to bring her all of her toys...

That little grin is all hers.....too cute!

Notice the first photo she only had one I said she is a do-er!

Usually while I am getting dinner ready they aren't too far from each other!
One evening I kept hearing Madilynn saying "I rolled it! I rolled it!"  I peeked in to find that "it" was Meredith! She was rolling her from her stomach to her back....luckily Meredith was just laughing away....thank goodness!

Notice she is sans socks....if she were awake she would be chewing on them (or her toes)!
Meredith is likely just under 16 lbs, since at her last Dr visit she was 15 lbs 5 oz. She is running just a tad shorter and lighter than Madilynn was at this age. She is doing well with her vegetables, and usually gets them mixed with cereal for dinner. We are now starting fruits...if she is anything like her sister she will LOVE these!
She is still waking at least once  (more often twice)  a night. I think she is not eating much during the day, and is trying to make up for it at night. Not sure what we'll do since she doesn't seem to want to eat during the day...but mommy sure would like to sleep more at night!
Meredith isn't crawling yet, but she sure is getting around just fine...she has the army crawl down!
 I'm hoping the weather starts to turn warmer since many of her current clothes are starting to get too small...not to mention her feet likely get pretty cold without those socks!! She's still in 6 month clothes, though many of the pants are getting too short. We are into 9 month sleepers.
She still sucks on her first two fingers on her left hand....I just hope I'm not still saying this when she is 7 YEARs old!!! She also enjoys her you will see below.
She is getting so big - we can't wait to see what this month has in store!

Here are a couple of her army crawl, and the other of her in her jumper!
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