Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Christmas Eve and Christmas morning....

Christmas Eve for us consisted of the girls coming home from a couple fun days at Mamma and Pappa's (they stayed with them while Mommy and Daddy worked). Once the girls returned home we got in our jammies and picked out carrots for the reindeer and cookies for Santa....

 The girls also left Santa some milk and some water for the reindeer....
Then the girls got one last picture with Jinger and Jasper before they headed back to the North Pole...

Then they got their stockings set so Santa would know where to put their gifts...

Once the girls got to sleep Santa came!!!

Santa brought them just what they asked for...babydolls, my little ponies, and a horse!

A new purple coat!

Lots of new socks - My little pony and knee high ones!

So in love with Frozen!

Meredith had to show her baby her new purple blanket.

They got little animals the project lights/shapes on the walls...

 Meredith was in Heaven playing with all her new babies...

Later Pappa Jim, Aunt Val, Nicci, Baby Lyla, Aunt Stephanie, Jessica, Mikey, and Devin came to visit and have a wonderful meal with us...

We had a wonderful day visiting and celebrating the holiday with everyone!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

A Snider Family Christmas...

We were able to get some great family pictures during our Snider family Christmas....



Ana's niece Addie made the long drive to join in our celebration!

The girls were spoiled with gifts...


Meredith got a baby that giggles and kicks her legs.

Frozen backpacks for each and books were a hit!

More dress up clothes for Madilynn...

And tents complete with sleeping bags and flashlights were a big hit from Uncle Brian and Aunt Ana
(I think these are the quietest gifts uncle Brian has picked out for them!)

Overall it as a great day of celebration!
We were thankful everyone could find a time to get together - such a great day!

Christmas portraits....

This year I tried taking the girls' photos on my own....so much cheaper than
taking them to a real studio.
The pictures turned out fairly well...still learning all
the settings on my camera - hate that they are so grainy...but when trying to work with the tree lights it made it difficult... but hopefully that will get better with practice.
Not too bad for trying to get two toddlers to be still! (and Tugger too!)