Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Ready for the 4th of July...





We hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Portraits of Baby Joseph

Get ready for picture overload....
I just love taking pictures of babies...here are a few of the latest ones I took of Joseph. 
(Hoping to have yet another photo session soon)


Had to throw in couple with his big sisters...snuggling before bed... 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Welcome Baby #3! It's a.......BOY!!!

As it got closer and closer to Baby #3's due date (Sunday June 7th) I was getting more and more uncomfortable. I had been having Braxton Hicks for a few weeks - especially on days that I worked. I had even told work that rather than working both Monday and Wednesday on my last scheduled week I was only going to be able to do Monday the 1st.  But all of that changed when my water broke early Sunday morning on May 31st! Matt was just about ready to leave for work when my water broke at 5:45am....boy were we glad the girls were still at his parents (they had taken the girls that weekend so I could rest since Matt was working). We got ready and headed to the hospital. After a loooooong day and night we FINALLY welcomed Joseph Robert into the world! We were both shocked this little baby was a boy. I had been convinced it was a girl since all three babies had heart rates of 146 the last several Dr's appointments - boy was I wrong!!!  Joseph had the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck twice - which explains why he wasn't tolerating the Pitocin and we had to let my body deliver him when he was ready. He was born June 1st at 5:19am...weighed 7 lbs 4 oz and was 21 inches long.

Mamma made sure she was there to meet you as soon as you were delivered - she wouldn't miss it for the world!!!

When the girls came to visit us they were excited to find out if they had a new baby sister or brother...
I was nervous to tell them it was a brother since they both made it quite clear they were hoping for a baby sister!

But as soon as they met him they fell in love...and decided maybe little baby boys aren't so bad...

Madilynn couldn't wait to hold him...

Joseph and I just stayed one night - the next day we were doing well, and headed home!

The girls were excited to have us home...

Aunt Katie was able to come meet Mr Joseph...

We love you so much already Joseph Robert...such a sweet, sweet surprise!