Monday, July 25, 2011

Fun in the summer sun!

This was Madilynn's first time in her bathing suit, out by the pool. July 10th.

She didn't quite know what to think of the water.

Tugger keeping watch over Miss Madilynn.

These are from Madilynn's second weekend in the pool - on the 17th.
Check out her shades... 

She really enjoyed her jumper after a long afternoon of visiting with everyone - this is the day she really started to "jump"!

Now is it not uncommon to find her asleep on her tummy....nor is it uncommon to find her asleep with her thumb in her mouth!

1st cereal feeding

Here are a few photos from Madilynn's 1st experience with eating rice cereal. She did pretty well for the first time. These were taken on July 7th, so she was ~ 4.5 months old before we finally tried it.
She is doing much better, especially when mommy heats up a little bit, rather than leaving it cold - straight from the fridge! We videotaped it too, thought it would be fun to look back on!

Don't let her fool you - she likes it now....and only once have I had her fall asleep while feeding her...too bad I didn't get a photo of that!!

Look who is 5 months old!

5 months old already!! We can hardly believe it!
These were taken last weekend on her actual month-day, the 17th.

I had a hard time narrowing them down! This month has been full of new things for Miss Madilynn.
I think the biggest of which is now feeding her rice cereal...we are up to twice a day now! And now more and more is actaully making it into her mouth instead of on her bib! The first week we started this she slept through the night, then we had big parties, and our schedules got all out of line, and then we got sick, so we are back to waking once during the night, but she is still so great about eating and going right back to sleep.
She is rolling over back to front with ease, and doesn't get as angry when on her tummy since she can now push up with her arms pretty well. She hasn't really started to scoot yet, but I'm sure that is just around the corner!
She has really taken up to "talking"...she doesn't say anything, but she sure does want you to listen to her!!
She has been more active in her jumper, just over the past couple weeks she has really started to JUMP while she is in it, and boy does she love it!
We have also had a couple fun days in the pool, which she seems to enjoy...I'll post some photos of that too.
She is doing a great job of reaching for things...and she LOVES watching tugger, and trying to pet him if he is good and sits on her lap.
She is sitting up fairly well, still needs a little support to help keep her from falling over, but she definitely loves to stand, she gets the biggest smile on her face when she stands up, she thinks she is sooo big! Still very serious, but also full of smiles!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

So we are a day late.... Mommy and Daddy both had to work yesterday...I spent the day with Grandma and fireworks this year...maybe we'll check them out next year.
Aunt Valerie found this cute outfit for Madilynn, so I just had to share...

I wasn't able to get any's been a long weekend!

Adam and Emily's Wedding - July 2, 2011

We were able to spend the weekend in Delmont Pennsylvania to help celebrate cousin Adam and Emily's wedding. This was Miss Madilynn's first trip out of state, and first time staying in a hotel. Even though we didn't get to the hotel until late Friday night Madilynn was still awake and enjoying our mini-vacation.

I didn't get photos during the ceremony - we were sort of near the back. Madilynn did very well during the ceremony and enjoyed all of the songs.
Afterwards we were able to get a few photos of our immediate family.

This is a photo of  Madilynn before we even pulled out of the church parking lot!

The reception was right near our hotel and was very beautiful, and a ton of fun!

The Snider "Tripod"

I wasn't able to get photos of everyone, but I did manage to get quite a few...

I took the stroller into the reception, and she did really well - sleeping while mommy ate, and taking another nap again later. The loud music didn't seem to bother her naps...

She really enjoyed visiting with family, and dancing to the music....