Tuesday, September 20, 2011

7 Months!

A couple days late - but better late than never!

I can't believe Miss Madilynn is already 7 months old!
She has grown so much - she's not much of a baby anymore! :(  

Still with only 1 bottom tooth - look closely and you can see it!

What a month this has been - I already shared photos from our big trip to South Carolina - which makes me feel better about our even BIGGER trip to FLORIDA coming up in October! She traveled like a pro - did wonderful! It helps that now she is eating baby food for most of her meals - which allowed for easy feeding while driving in the car. Her favorite so far seems to be Carrots...though she is just now starting to explore the fruits that are available.
She is doing wonderfully at night - sleeping through the night consistantly...which means mommy is sleeping too! :) On days I do not work she will often sleep until 8 or 9 am! She is typically only up for ~ 1.5 hours then it is time for nap #1 which will last around 2 hours!  She wakes up and then after a few hours of play (or shopping on mommy's days off) she is ready for nap #2.  Bedtime is still sometime around 8pm. We have upgraded to the big girl bath (in the big inflatable duck) and she really enjoys splashing and playing in the water. (I'll share some photos soon)
She is standing with assistance, and taking a few steps while holding on to mommy or daddy. She still has not started crawling- though this may change in the next week or two - as you can tell by the photos she is really starting to get up on her knees. She sits all by herself (unless being pushed over by her cousin!)...and enjoys playing with all of her toys new and old (a few of Matt and Katie's old toys!). She babbles a lot - no "Da-da" or "Ma-ma" yet but she is saying "Ba-Ba" quite a bit...she also enjoys making raspberries - cute, unless she tries to do it while I am feeding her - then it is just a mess!
She is already well into the 9 month size sleepers - and even some of these are getting a little small! Good thing we have plenty of 9 month, and 12 month pants from our friend Lilah to wear this winter!

Some photos from the past month to enjoy!
This is why Madilynn doesn't play on her playmat much anymore! 

These photos were from BEFORE her 6th month-day - but I just love her in this dress and wanted to be sure to share - these are when she just started sitting up, and we realized she needed more toy options at home (this is at cousin Ann's house in Cleveland).

Big girl - standing up. She doesn't pull herself up on furniture - yet!

Madilynn's new baby-doll - Lucy - that Great Grandma Sharon made for her!

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