Tuesday, January 17, 2012

11 Months Old!

I can't believe our Miss Madilynn is now 11 months old! Where has the time gone?
In just one more month she will be a year old! That is hard to believe.
Here are her 11 month photos - taken today....

This month flew by - I can't even believe it is already the 17th! With Christmas and New Year's celebrated this past month we stayed very busy! Not much in the way of updates on Miss Madilynn - as not much has changed since last month. She will still wave and say "Hi" sometimes - but
not nearly as much as she was last month....guess I should have left the Santas out a little longer! She isn't really saying anything....don't get me wrong...she "talks" A LOT - it's just we can't really tell what it is she is saying!  She still only has the two top and two bottom teeth. She is still crawling to get around, though she is getting more and more brave and stands on her own from time to time - though still not really taking any steps. She did get a new dinosaur that she can push around, so I think that will help! One of the cutest things she has been doing this month is turning her little stool upside down, and putting Ruby in it...which she then pushes all around the living room floor.  She is still enjoying all of her new toys...it is so fun to just watch her and see what she is going to come up with next! She's doing very good at sleeping through the night, and sleeping in on days mommy has off. She is also getting much better at taking 2 long naps on mommy's day off - I think mainly because the days she goes to daycare she only takes 1 nap - I think she is just exhausted the days we have off!
Her new shirt from Aunt Katie - dressed it up with a little pink!

This is how she pushes Ruby around - it is the CUTEST thing!

Helping with the dishes...

Playing with Tugger...


She just LOVES dogs - here she is loving on Aggie....

What a month it has been - can't wait to see what the next month has to bring!


  1. Oh my goodness, she is so big! And adorable as always... love all of her outfits and smiles :)

    The kitchen remodel looks amazing!! That was a big project and I'm very impressed. I'm sure you're loving your new space, keep the pics coming!

  2. Oh my gosh, Jami! She is so grown up! So beautiful! I too love the new kitchen! You will love having the bar area for serving kids meals! It looks great! miss you!

    Jen O.
