Thursday, February 16, 2012

Look who is ONE!

Tomorrow is the big day! Miss Madilynn will be one year old! We can't even believe the time has gone by so's hard to believe a year ago we were in the Labor and Delivery suite at Adena waiting for our Baby S to join us! And what joy she has brought all of us over the past year!!
Below are some of the photos I took today - it was hard to narrow them down....

This is her serious ballerina photo...

This is one of my favorites - and was really what I saw the most....she is a quick one, and getting her to sit/stand still is quite a challenge....luckily daddy was home to help!

   This past month hasn't been much different from last month as far as milestones go. She still crawls to get everywhere, and will get places hanging on to furniture. She has taken a step or two on her own, but isn't really walking on her own just yet.
    She has acquired another tooth on the bottom left, bringing the grand total up to 5!  She still babbles a ton, but still nothing real clear...except "HI!" she still says that with a huge grin and wave! She is almost saying Da-da appropriately...and you can definitely tell when she is calling Tugger...though it is more in her own little language.
We went for her 1 year check-up and she weighs 20 lbs 2 oz and is 30& 3/4 inches.

     She is still enjoying daycare, and is enjoying all of the food options they give her. We have been more adventurous here, though we still rely on the stage 3 baby foods if what we are eating isn't a good option for her. 
   This past month she acquired a few hand me down toys from our neighbor Holly - a few of which are Elmo dolls. She seems to like playing with these, as she does Ruby, her Farm, her Dino, her activity table, and Tugger!

Valentine's Day was spent with mommy - here she is looking to see if Daddy is coming home yet. (Doesn't she look so old in this photo?!?!)

We added a bucket to her Dino so she can take Ruby with her as she cruises around the house.
(I've also found Elmo, her farm animals, and her sippy cup in this bucket.)

Here she is playing with one of her Elmo dolls...she still enjoys putting things in her upside down stool and pushing them around the house.

The farm is also a good place to put Elmo (or Ruby, or whatever will fit!!)

What a year it has been - we wouldn't change any of it for the world - we are so excited to see what joy this next year brings!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Happy Birthday, Miss Madilynn!! Love the tutu, she sure is a cutie!
