Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Feb/March 2012 photos

I just wanted to share a few photos from the past month. Not too long after her birthday Miss Madilynn started walking - and now there is no stopping her! She has gotten much better over the past couple weeks, and when she does fall down she gets right back up and keeps going - haven't seen much crawling from her anymore. At her year check up she weighed 20 lbs 2 oz and was 30 & 3/4 inches long...so she is still a tall girl!
Enjoy the photos below....

Don't see too much of this anymore - I had to take the stool away because she was trying to push it while walking - and I was afraid she would fall and hurt herself - it was much safer when she was on her knees like she is above.

We still have the swing up though she hasn't been in it in months - figure we'll need it again before too long anyway...so sometimes it gets some use...with either Ruby, Elmo- or some of her farm animals.

I picked her up from daycare last week - and they had done this with her hair - she looked so cute!

We went outside for a little bit - she LOVED exploring and seeing what all she could find.

Daddy tried to have her go get the mail with him - but it was taking WAY too long - he ended up having to carry her so she couldn't stop and pick up all the leaves, sticks, grass she was finding on the way there!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! she looks so grown up and i LOVE the pigtails!! Enjoy it now while she leaves them alone.. Livi rips her hair down/bow out at least 5 times/day!
