Wednesday, May 23, 2012

15 months old!

Madilynn turned 15 months on May 17th. Because I haven't given many updates lately I figured it was time.  Madilynn is off and running - very much into wanting to know "what's that?!?" She has shown some interest in climbing, she does great climbing up the stairs  (still working on going down), she loves to stand on top of her Dino rather than ride it usually gets taken away within a few minutes of her starting to play with it. She luckily has not climbed out of her crib, and still needs help to get up on the couch and sit like a big girl. 
She still loves her baby dolls - and loves to wrap Ruby up in a blanket. She is getting better at her puzzles - and loves to look at books. She especially loves the books with the flaps to open. Madilynn also likes to put her blocks into the bucket, or put mulch in a cup, or rocks into a container...this can keep her busy for a long time. She is also starting to "dance" - when she hears music she will start to is really cute.
 She isn't talking much yet - though she does say "DaDa" and "mom" and "tug-ger". Other than that she says things that probably only we can understand - like: What's That; Trash Truck; Outside; sock; duck; quack; roar (for the lion); ah-ah (for the monkey); ssss (for the snake)...other than that we rely on signs or pointing and grunting to figure out what she is trying to say.
She is wearing 18 month clothing, though if the waistbands aren't all elastic then they are typically too big for her and don't stay up. She is wearing size 4 shoes (if she leaves them on). She currently has only the 2 teeth on top and 4 on the bottom, plus 1 & 1/2 molars on the bottom. Weight is still just under 21 pounds, and is just over 30 inches tall.
She does really well with eating - loves her fruits, and does pretty well eating vegetables (even lima beans!). We have started working on using utensils - she is getting better, though still mainly uses her hands to eat (primarily uses her left to feed herself). Still a struggle to get her to drink much throughout the day - so usually at home her milk gets a splash of chocolate milk added to it.
Daycare has told me that she does show empathy, if another child is crying Madilynn likes to go over and pat their back - trying to get them to feel better.
She is getting good at knowing things like where her bellybutton is - not so good when she wants to show everyone where it is....or when she wants to look at mommy's. She does pretty good with knowing where her nose, ears, teeth, and tongue are.
Here she is with Ruby all wrapped up...

Madilynn rarely leaves bows in during the day, but after her bath she
likes to wear ALL of her headbands - and will leave them all in until bedtime! So silly....

Madilynn and Tugger like to watch out the door and wave to daddy when he is mowing.

This is how I knew she was starting to feel better after being sick for a week...

Still a thumb sucker  - though for the most part it is saved
for when she is ready for bed.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

First Trip to the Zoo!

Matt and I both wanted to enjoy Madilynn's first trip to the zoo. We finally found a day this week when we were both off and able to take her.
It was a very HOT day, nearly 90 degrees...but we still enjoyed ourselves. Many of the animals were sleeping - so Madilynn couldn't really see them - she could see those that were up moving around much easier. Though we didn't see everything, we still saw quite a bit.
 I'm not sure which Madilynn enjoyed watching more - the animals - or all the other kids!

Here we saw the Tiger - they were feeding it some meat through that little doorway.

Daddy trying to show Madilynn the brown bear that was sleeping by the log.

Here we are looking at some Moose.

Madilynn really enjoying waving to the animals.

Here we are looking at the polar bears - they weren't swimming,
 but they were at least up moving around.

Here she is doing here sign and noise for Monkey.

We have been working on signs and/or sounds for many animals. It was fun to see her acknowledge what animal it was we were looking at. Some of the animals she knows are: Bird, Duck, Lion, Giraffe, Monkey, Dog, Rabbit, Cow, Snake.

This is when we knew she had had her fill and was ready for a nap...

We barely made it out of the parking lot before she was out!
What a great day we had!
We are looking forward to even more trips as she gets older!

End of March trip to South Carolina

I finally had a few days off in a row, and am able to somewhat get caught up on posting recent photos of our Miss Madilynn.
These photos are all from our trip to South Carolina to visit with GiGi, Aunt Rose & Uncle Ken, Shalina, Anna, and Kevin. We did this at the end of March. So she is just over 13 months old in these photos. The first few in the pink shirt in front of the flowers were taken by Shalina....I think they turned out great!!!

Because both Matt and I were going to have to work on Easter we had a little Easter egg hunt for Madilynn, Anna, and Kevin. Unfortunately Madilynn wasn't feeling the best - though in some of these photos you can't even tell.
Madilynn and Gigi

Anna, Kevin, Gigi and Madilynn

Too bad we couldn't get a smile...still looked very pretty!

I like this photo of Matt with her little pink basket!!

Dad, Matt, Gigi, Madilynn and I

Anna made this beautiful quilt for Madilynn! What a very special Easter gift!

Madilynn LOVES her buddy Tugger!

And yes, he LOVES her too!