Tuesday, May 22, 2012

First Trip to the Zoo!

Matt and I both wanted to enjoy Madilynn's first trip to the zoo. We finally found a day this week when we were both off and able to take her.
It was a very HOT day, nearly 90 degrees...but we still enjoyed ourselves. Many of the animals were sleeping - so Madilynn couldn't really see them - she could see those that were up moving around much easier. Though we didn't see everything, we still saw quite a bit.
 I'm not sure which Madilynn enjoyed watching more - the animals - or all the other kids!

Here we saw the Tiger - they were feeding it some meat through that little doorway.

Daddy trying to show Madilynn the brown bear that was sleeping by the log.

Here we are looking at some Moose.

Madilynn really enjoying waving to the animals.

Here we are looking at the polar bears - they weren't swimming,
 but they were at least up moving around.

Here she is doing here sign and noise for Monkey.

We have been working on signs and/or sounds for many animals. It was fun to see her acknowledge what animal it was we were looking at. Some of the animals she knows are: Bird, Duck, Lion, Giraffe, Monkey, Dog, Rabbit, Cow, Snake.

This is when we knew she had had her fill and was ready for a nap...

We barely made it out of the parking lot before she was out!
What a great day we had!
We are looking forward to even more trips as she gets older!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, she is so precious!! Love the pigtails! You look great too and I'm glad you all had fun!
