Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I'm a big Sister!!!

Monday Mommy dropped me off at daycare, and headed to work just like always. She had a Dr's appointment at 1:30. Because she was only measuring 36wks instead of 38-39 the Dr did an ultrasound, that is where they found out that the amniotic fluid was low, so they told her they were going to induce her rather than wait until August 1st when the baby was due.
 She had to go back to the pharmacy and tell them she wouldn't be able to finish her shift because it was time to go have the baby!
 After a long afternoon/evening my little sister - Meredith Ann decided to join us! She was born July 24th, 2012 at 01:32 am. She weighed 7 lbs 10 oz, and was 21 inches long.
Here she is with mommy.

With mommy and daddy.

Grandma Teri and Pa-paw brought me over to meet her!

She is really cute!

I had so much fun just playing in mommy's hospital room! Do you like my shirt Aunt Rose and Shalina brought me??? It says I'm the big sister!

Wow look - I can do "this little piggy" with her toes!

Me and my new baby sister Meredith!

Love you!

Daddy and Meredith.

Mommy and Meredith are going to  have to stay in the hospital one more night because Meredith's bilirubin levels are high and she is having light therapy at least until tomorrow. Can't wait for them to come home!

1 comment:

  1. How did I not see this post until now?? She is BEAUTIFUL!!! I love the pics of the girls together too... so sweet! Madilynn is going to be a wonderful big sister. We can't wait to meet sweet Meredith!

    Congratulations!!! xo
