Monday, August 27, 2012

Meredith - 1st month

I can't believe it has already been one month since Meredith was born. There are several photos to share from over this past month, so I tried to narrow it down....but sometimes it was hard!
I thought I should include the couple photos I took of Meredith while she was in the Special Care Nursery at the hospital before we came home. She had elevated bilirubin levels, so she was on this special light therapy for ~ 36 hours, luckily they found her elevated levels, and were able to treat her starting at 24 hours of life, so we only had to stay one extra night, and we didn't have to do any further therapy once she was discharged home!

She had  "sunglasses" to protect her eyes from the light, and a little teddy bear sticker on her belly that they put a thermometer under to be sure she didn't get too hot.

Once she came home she moved right into the nursery - which was essentially the same as when Madilynn was in it - we just made one major change....we added her name above her crib....
Photos of her first bath - she did great! Not nearly as much screaming as Madilynn's first bath, hopefully that is becuase mommy is getting the hang of this!!
We've had several visitors, here are some photos from that, though not everyone is shown here we have really enjoyed all that have come to visit with us!!!

                      Grandpa Jim

                       Aunt Valerie
Great-Grandma Rosie

Great-Grandma Sharon (our first trip out to the farm)

Grandma Teri

Aunt Jackie and Ericka
Aunt Katie
Meredith's first few weeks home were difficult - just as everyone predicted - she does not sleep as well as Madilynn did! She does great during the day, but then from 9pm to 2am she liked to party! Meaning - she would get settled down, you put her to bed, and just as you climb into bed she starts to scream again. Her poor little face just looked like she was in pain! So over the past week she has been getting gas drops before each feeding - which seem to help. Who knows if it is just her getting into a routine, or if the drops are really doing the trick! Whatever it is I don't plan to change it! She is still eating about every 3 hours (breastfeeding), and sometimes will go 4 hours, which unfortunately don't ever seem to be the hours overnight, but I'll take what I can get!
We went to the Dr for her 1 month check- up, and she is 9 lbs 2 oz (Madilynn was 9 lbs 5oz at 1 month), and is 22 inches long (same as Madilynn at 1 month) - of note their head circumference was also the exact same at 1 month!
Because Madilynn has been going to daycare most days of the week to give me a break we were able to get in a couple photo sessions....enjoy the photos below - those posted turned out great, don't think they weren't achieved without a few tears, and puking episodes (by Meredith - not me!).

The next few photos are taken in an outfit a girl from work's sister made....

 Here she is enjoying the swing while Madilynn is away at daycare...

                 With Daddy....

And last but not least.....her official 1 month photos....

Until next time....

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