Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Though we missed school's Halloween Party, and will not be Trick or Treating (due to the yucky rainy/snowy weather we had from Hurricane Sandy) Mommy still had to get some photos of us in our costumes.  

Lady Bug

Photo shoot included many animal crackers....

And a few verses of Old MacDonald...

White Tiger

Maybe next year the weather will cooperate....this year we'll just stay nice and warm inside!

Meredith's Baptism - October 28, 2012

  Meredith was baptized Sunday October 28, 2012 at Saint Mary's Catholic Church here in Chillicothe.  Her godparents are Uncle Jason, and Aunt Katie.
Even though Meredith was awake all through mass, she was able to make it through the baptism without too much fussing. She was very interested in what Father Hummer had to say, and paid close attention!

Big sister Madilynn even got a special blessing...

Here we are with her grandparents and great-grandparents that were able to go...we missed GiGi (who was in South Carolina) and Great-grandma Blazer (who was in Florida).

Great Grandma Rosie made the cake - it was delicious, in fact I took some of the leftovers into work, and everyone wanted to know where I  got it from, they were disappointed when it wasn't a store they could go to....

Here they are at the party with cousins Reagan and Ryleigh.

Unfortunately I did not get any other photos from the party - we appreciate everyone coming to share in Meredith's special day. It was so nice to see everyone!
She had a wonderful day - so much so she ended up sleeping all night long!!!
 Made Mommy so Happy!!!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Meredith is 3 months old!

Can you tell them apart?!?
The first one is Madilynn, the second is Meredith.

It's so hard to believe three months have already gone by, and mommy is already back to work! Meredith is such a great baby, now that mommy knows that when she gets fussy it is because she wants to go to bed! She generally goes to bed by 8:30, she goes down after Madilynn has been tucked in.  She is doing really well at night and typically wakes only once in the night (occasionally twice), usually sometime between 1 and 3.   The other night she rolled onto her stomach  - TWICE!!! Of course this was between 3 and 4 am....and it is safe to say she does NOT like being on her stomach....boy was she MAD! I sure am glad we have the video monitor so I could see what her problem was, and didn't just try to let her "cry it out"!!! 
She seems to like daycare, she is doing really well with naps, and takes her bottles just fine.
This past month she has really started to smile and coo....so very cute and fun!!!
She really likes it when people talk to her, especially her big sister...well except for when she is sleeping and Madilynn gets in her face and yells "BABY!!! BABY!!! BABY!!!".  Meredith is a lot like her sister in that she likes to be held facing out so she can see what is going on, she loves just watching everything and taking it all in.

Madilynn sharing her books with her....
Here she is sucking her thumb...though lately she generally sucks on anywhere from 2 to 4 fingers....no hand or fingers in particular - just whatever she can get in there...

Typically she spends her time in her bouncy seat or swing...those are the safest places when Miss Madilynn is around....though sometimes even those places get pretty wild depending on how excited Madilynn gets.

Until next time...

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Videos from our trip to Amish Country

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Meredith's First day of Daycare

This past Thursday was Mommy's first day back to work, in order to get ready we had to make sure Meredith would take a bottle ok. This photo is of Meredith's very first bottle that daddy fed her.

Madilynn likes to feed her baby a bottle while Meredith is drinking hers.

Mommy took both Madilynn and Meredith to daycare on Monday and Tuesday so she could see how long it would take to get everyone ready in the morning. Here are a couple photos of the girls on Thursday - Meredith's first day.

They had a great day! Both Monday and Tuesday went well, so when Mommy actually had to go to work on Thursday everything went really smooth, though it was a very long day for everyone! Soon we'll get into our routine, hopefully mommy's schedule will stay every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and every other Saturday...that will give everyone a day to rest in between!
Here are a couple photos of Madilynn on her first day of daycare. The girls still go to the same place, though Madilynn is now in the young toddlers room. Meredith will have the same wonderful ladies taking care of her that took care of Madilynn when she was just a baby.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Meredith's first trip to Amish Country

Monday we were able to go up to the Amish Country, because it is quite a drive even from New Lexington we thought it would be best to spend the night in New Lexington on Sunday so we could get up early on Monday and go.
When Teri asked Madilynn if she wanted to get in the sink to wash off she jumped at the chance - just look how happy she was to be in the sink! She was having a ball!!!

One of the main reasons we went to the Amish country (other than the doughnuts, bread, and jellies) was for Madilynn to see all the animals at Hershberger's Farm. As you can guess - she LOVED it!!!
Our first stop had to be Miller's to get doughnuts....Madilynn was able to get her hands on one, and did not let go!!! Next was on to Hershberger's Farm.
Big Ben...that is one BIG horse!!!

Madilynn loved saying hi to all the animals, and feeding them. She made sure to tell all of them "BYE" when we left.

Meredith seemed to enjoy the trip too....