Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Meredith's first trip to Amish Country

Monday we were able to go up to the Amish Country, because it is quite a drive even from New Lexington we thought it would be best to spend the night in New Lexington on Sunday so we could get up early on Monday and go.
When Teri asked Madilynn if she wanted to get in the sink to wash off she jumped at the chance - just look how happy she was to be in the sink! She was having a ball!!!

One of the main reasons we went to the Amish country (other than the doughnuts, bread, and jellies) was for Madilynn to see all the animals at Hershberger's Farm. As you can guess - she LOVED it!!!
Our first stop had to be Miller's to get doughnuts....Madilynn was able to get her hands on one, and did not let go!!! Next was on to Hershberger's Farm.
Big Ben...that is one BIG horse!!!

Madilynn loved saying hi to all the animals, and feeding them. She made sure to tell all of them "BYE" when we left.

Meredith seemed to enjoy the trip too....

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a GREAT trip! The girls are just too cute... love the sink bathtub pictures, everyone needs some of those :)
