Thursday, August 22, 2013

August fun....

Here are a few photos from the past month....
Meredith has really started to play with baby dolls, and really seems to love the one I had bought for Madilynn to have when I brought Meredith home from the hospital... 

Here she was pulling the baby around in the little wagon.
Here are a couple of the girls together...should we call this "sisterly love"!?!?

In the mornings I get Meredith ready first - and leave her to her Cheerios and milk while I get Madilynn ready....she looks so little -yet so big!
After Matt's done mowing the yard he takes Madilynn for a ride on the tractor - she LOVES it!

Look at this girl up on her tippy toes trying to get the magnet she wants....not much stops this girl!

Had to include a photo of Madilynn with her puppy - we put batteries in it again -she runs them out in about a day - Matt and I probably get a little too happy when they run out!!!
Notice she is in a dress - this is her new thing - if she doesn't change into a dress to sleep in she usually changes right when she wakes up....sometimes it is just easier to let her wear the dress around...she loves being a "princess"!
Meredith had her first experience with corn on the cob....once she realized she could eat it she really seemed to enjoy it!  Apparently four teeth is all you need!!!

 Hope you enjoyed the photos....these days are going by way too quick - just want to save the memories....they won't be this little very much longer.... :( 


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