Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Farm at Walnut Creek

Yesterday we were able to take a trip to Amish Country and spend a few hours at The Farm at Walnut Creek. This post has a TON of photos from our trip. When we first got to the farm we took an hour long wagon tour along the grounds where we got to see a lot of animals up close and personal. We had food we were able to feed them - which made all of the animals very excited. Wait till you see all the different animals we got to feed, pet and observe! Such a great day - I highly recommend this  - although Meredith may have been a bit too young - luckily having not turned 2 yet she was free - so not such a big deal that she slept through half of the tour!
This day was pretty amazing - see for yourself!
They had several wagons that took everyone on the tour...each drawn by two horses. Ours were Rose and Spirit. Which of course Madilynn Rose thought was pretty cool!

These animals were not shy...they were happy to eat any and all food you gave them!

Meredith clung to Matt - but who could blame her! I'd be scared too - these animals were VERY up close and personal!

It was cool to touch the antlers on this one - they were fuzzy like velvet!

Madilynn did pretty well - though she would generally just throw the food to the animals or lay it on the bench or floor of the wagon for the animals to get. We'll have to work on judging distance, and aiming before we come back again - if she saw animals on the other side of the wagon she wanted to feed she would throw handfuls of the food towards them....regardless if there were people sitting between her and the animals or not! Poor fellow wagon riders, and wagon guide -  I think they all got pelted with a handful of food at some point during the tour!

Water Buffalo...

Our guide estimated this Llama to be just a few days old...

Madilynn loved every moment of this tour!

Meredith fell asleep about half-way through...luckily she still slept through the giraffes - I was so afraid she would wake up and have a giant giraffe head right in her face - but luckily she just snoozed away! Can't wait to go back again when she is a bit older!

Uncle Jason was able to go with us! We had so much fun!

Check out the baby....

I took several photos - but I did take the opportunity to hand feed a couple Llama, and even petted a Zebra!

We all had such a great time!
Thanks to Mamma and Pappa for taking us!
The grounds were so beautiful... 

We even got to walk around in the barns and the houses....

There were several other animals at the farm that were not part of the wagon tour...we enjoyed looking at them too! Others not in the pictures included a tortoise, porcupine, and several birds, ducks and swans.

Can you spot the baby one??

When Madilynn talked to the sheep they call kept coming out of their shed to visit with her!

As we walked back by they were all huddled into this giant ball...

After her nap Meredith was full of energy and loved waving Hi and Bye to the animals...

Madilynn kept getting more and more brave as the day went on...

Check out the beautiful trick photography here - we had absolutely beautiful weather!

Meredith would cling to you with all her might if you tried to get close to an animal while holding her....

Covering her ears from the VERY LOUD donkey (or Mule - there was much debate) - "HEE-HAW"

Yep everyone had a great day.... 

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