Sunday, July 12, 2015

Joseph is 1 month old!

Look who is 1 month old already! It's hard to believe Joseph is already a month old!
Get ready for picture overload...I tried to narrow them down - but it's hard - they are all so cute!

Joseph is doing well he is still our little guy - he weighed 8 lbs 8 oz (Madilynn was 9 lbs 5 oz and Meredith was 9 lbs 2 oz) and was 22 inches long (as were both of the girls) at his check-up. He is eating every 2 to 2.5 hours. He has gone a couple stretches of 3 hours - but that is rare. He is still wearing newborn size clothing. 
When Joseph first came home from the hospital he liked to be swaddled...but that only lasted for the first couple weeks...
He has been sleeping in his crib at night since his first day home.
Luckily he also enjoys sleeping in his swing, because most days he spends his time there, or in mommy's arms.
He sleeps in what looks to be the most uncomfortable position - but for whatever reason it's what he likes...

I of course have to include one from his first bath...
(which he didn't seem to enjoy very much)

He was much happier once it was over...

The girls have been going to school 3 days a week, which not only keeps them on their schedule/routine, but also gives mommy a chance to cuddle and enjoy some quiet time with Mr Joseph.
These are some of my favorites from this first month...

I am not the only one that can't seem to get enough of this little guy... his big sisters adore him and always want to be with him or holding him..


Towards the end of the month Joseph started being more and more awake - and is starting to show a bit of his personality...I think he is one that will keep us laughing!

And a few more....just because...

I think this sums it up pretty well - the girls certainly agree...they've got a SUPER AWESOME BROTHER!!!

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