Saturday, October 17, 2015

Look who's 4 months old!

Can't believe that Joseph is already 4 months old (well actually 4.5 months old now...since I am a bit late posting his update)....time sure does fly!
Here are his 4 month old pictures...which were taken right before he turned 4 months old.

He's starting to sit up a bit...but not quite able to do it on his own yet.

Of course the girls wanted to get their pictures taken with their baby brother... 

Joseph is starting to be such a busy guy - he has gotten pretty good at rolling over onto his stomach - and is tolerating it much better. In fact it seems he likes to sleep on his belly now most nights (he starts out on his back - but always seems to roll over).
He has yet to roll from his belly to his back.
He (mommy) is having a rough time at night - lately he's been waking every 3 hours. So just before he turned 4 months we started him on cereal hoping that would help keep him full so he would sleep better (so far that doesn't seem to be the case).
At his check-up he was 13 lbs 13 oz, and 26 inches long....(same length as Madilynn was, but didn't weigh quite as much...hence daycare calling him "string bean" ).
He is moving up to his 6 month clothing, but can still fit in some of his 3 month things. 
Here are some of my favorite pictures from this past month...
He was able to enjoy the pool once before the end of the summer.

Enjoying his playmat

Meredith sharing her sticker book with him.

This night he fell asleep waiting on me to get my shower before bed.

He mainly sucks on his left thumb...but will suck on his fingers occasionally.

Enjoying the Delaware All-Horse Parade

This was from the beginning of the month - before he liked being on his belly...I put him in his seat so he couldn't roll over and get mad - yet could entertain himself while I got dinner ready.

After bath time (which he really seems to like!)

Very rarely is he ever left alone - his sisters are always close by.  

His first time eating cereal...


And Daddy is pretty happy football season is here - excited to have another Buckeye to watch the games with him!
Such a happy little guy - just need to get mommy some more sleep this next month - then we'll ALL be happy!

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