Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dad's 60th Birthday Party

We had a party at our house for Dad's 60th Birthday. It's taken me awhile to get the photos on the computer, but I finally did. I thought I would share a few from the great weekend. (April 16th)
Christy and Gabriella flew in from Pheonix for the party.

GiGi was able to come up from South Carolina.

Kevin and Anna had a ball playing with Gabriella.

GiGi with Madilynn

Grandma Blazer made it up from Florida.

Shalina and Ann were there for the party as well.

Kevin and Anna with James and Matt

The girls playing in the bamboo....guess it is good for something....

Karen and Joy with Kathryn and Amanda

The birthday boy!

Several people from Dad's support group were able to come....these are some of the "Applebee's crew".

All of my mom's side of the family.

Grandpa with Madilynn

The antique person himself!

There were nearly 60 people that made the trip to Chillicothe to help celebrate Dad's Birthday.
The weather cooperated for the most part, allowing the kids to play outside. Festivities even included an easter egg hunt. We are so glad everyone was able to come, and hope everyone had as much fun as we did!

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