Friday, August 19, 2011

6 Months Old!

Can you believe Miss Madilynn is 6 months old already?!?!
Boy, has she grown in the past month!
I'll share the photos first, then fill you in on what she has been up to.
Please enjoy these photos - they were taken by my cousin Shalina last weekend. They turned out awesome...and this isn't even all of them!

Look at her little belly hitting the floor!
The bloomers have her name on them, they were a gift from Pat for her baptism...they are going to be even more adorable once she starts crawling!!! 

Tugger had to check out things during the photo shot.

And for all my Zeta sisters...

Madilynn and her daddy...

This past month she has started eating foods besides plain rice cereal.
She is not a big fan of them, but they are growing on her.
I'll see if I can post video of her eating squash for the first is hilarious!
She is rolling front to back and now back to front with ease....thus making her much more longer can  you leave her in one spot and expect her to be there when you return! She isn't crawling yet, but is getting there. She still LOVES her jumper.  She gets so excited when she stands...she is getting much better at pulling herself up when she holds onto you - she hasn't pulled herself up using any of the furniture yet. She is able to sit all by herself.  Even this past week she has really gotten a lot stronger, and is able to sit all by herself for longer periods of time!
She is sleeping the entire night most every night, still goes to bed around 8 pm, and on days I am not working and she doesn't have to get up for daycare she will sleep until 8ish.  
She really enjoys her daytime naps as well - I think she takes after her mommy on this one!
 She is weighing in at 16lbs 14oz (today at the Dr), and is supposedly 28 inches long. I still think this is a little exaggerated, even though I did make the nurse measure her twice!  She is wearing 6 - 9 month clothes...she has almost fully grown out of all of her 6 month sleepers....good thing I had already stocked up on 9 month ones! Anything that is one piece is what she is growing out of quickly - because she is so long (and her feet are so big).
  At around 5 1/2 months is when Miss Madilynn's first little tooth started peeking through! Her bottom left tooth is the first and only one so far! I don't think others are too far behind...
That's what she's been up to this month....I can't believe she is getting soo big!


  1. Love the strawberries! She's almost as big as Casey!! He's only 18lb 10 oz @ 10 months. He's a little peanut though. I'm pretty jealous of all the sleep you're getting ;) We're still up at least once a night to nurse. Thanks for sharing! Beautiful pics!! I hope I get to meet her in person soon. Are you guys coming to homecoming at all?

  2. She is such a little cutie...I could just eat her up! That first black and white one and the side shot of her are still my faves!
