Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Trip to Florida!

We have just retuned from our trip to Florida, and what a great trip it was!
Madilynn did wonderfully in the car, she is an excellent traveller!
Our first stop was in Fort Pierce Florida to visit with our old Navy friends Britt and Brian, and their two children...Brooklyn (2.5 yrs), and Cru (3 weeks older than Madilynn).
We stayed with them for a few nights, and even enjoyed an afternoon at the beach!
Madilynn and Cru

Madilynn "LOVES" Cru

Brooklyn wearing Matt's cowboy boots!

Brooklyn helping to be sure Madilynn is looking at the camera! (Precious...)

Miss Brooklyn

Cru and Madilynn ready for our first trip to the beach...since the rain FINALLY stopped!

Mommy didn't do a good job of watching the waves...we got a little too close!

After we left Britt and Brian's we went north to my grandma's for a few days. We had a great time, and Madilynn got to work on her "eating out" skills...she did pretty well!

After we left Grandma's we went further north to Gainesville for cousin BJ's wedding...

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