Tuesday, October 25, 2011

8 Months!

Ok - so yes, this posting is a little late. But the photos were taken a week or so ago...when she did turn 8  months old. Because she is a pro at sitting up, and LOVES to stand (with assistance of course) we were able to get a few outdoor photos before the weather turns too cold! Enjoy!

(this one is my favorite)

(Her buddy Tugger)

(Tugger...not a fan of photo sessions.  Also not that big of a fan of being petted by Miss Madilynn - but he does very well with her, even though he looks scared to death!)

After reading last month's rundown...this 8 month mark really isn't much different.  
She was already a pro at sitting by herself, the only new thing is that as of this last week (so just after she turned 8 months) she is able to "sit-up" on her own. This surprised the ladies at day-care this week, and is still surprising to me when I find her sitting up in her crib!! She hasn't pulled up on anything to stand on her own, although this week she has been pulling all of her toys out of their bin, flipping the bin over, and trying to use that to help her stand. She has stood for a few seconds by herself, and is starting to "cruise" along the couch more and more. Still not crawling...though she may be by the end of the week. She is able to get around her play area, but so far crawling backwards is as close to crawling as she has gotten. She is getting up on all fours more and more, so I don't think it will be too much longer before Matt will have to install our safety gate!
She still takes two naps a day, usually anywhere from 1-2 hours each. On days I don't work she wakes around 8 (which mommy LOVES!), and is still only usually up for ~ 1.5 hours before it is time for that first nap. Bedtime is still 8pm. She still just babbles - no distinct mama or dada...yet! She is wearing clothes ranging from 6-12 months depending on what it is. Her sleepers may need upgraded to 12 months very soon!
She has acquired tooth number two (on the bottom)- and I think # 3 might be on it's way.
(you can see that 1st and 2nd tooth pretty good in this photo)

(eyes are still blue)

(this is the bin she now tries to use to stand up with)

We have also upgraded to the ducky bath. Which is WONDERFUL (thank you Katie)! I missed it severely on our trip - I feel so much safer bathing her in this...she likes it too!

Until next time....

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