Sunday, November 20, 2011

9 Months!

Boy time sure does fly! I cannot believe Miss Madilynn is already 9 months old!
Here are a few updated photos of her for you to enjoy!

She is always wanting to crawl - making it very difficult for mommy to get a good shot!

Still LOVES to stand up!

This month has been quite different from the last! Now Miss Madilynn is able to CRAWL! She started just a little over a week after she turned 8 months! Some of the things she likes to get into - Tugger's food if she comes in the kitchen, the plants in the family room, and the magazines in the family room.
She is quick, and once she gets under an end table it is difficult to get her out!!  She is pulling herself up on just about everything, though she is still only taking steps if she is holding on to you. She is getting better at sitting down, rather than just falling!
She still only has the 2 bottom teeth...I feel like for the past month I've been saying that tooth #3 is on it's way....well it still is!! It hasn't popped through yet!
Madilynn has started eating a few normal foods, such as cheerios and bananas (mommy's scared to try much else for fear of her choking!).
Still taking 2 naps (for the most part) though now they are more often close to 1 hour rather than 2-3hrs in length. Many of her clothes are either 9month or 12 months (just depends on the fit), I have had to upgrade to the 12 month sleepers since the others were getting too short, and constricting her toes!
She goes in for her 9 month check up on Tuesday, so I'll have official ht and wt then...just a few weeks ago we were in for another eye infection/clogged tear duct (hence my thinking the tooth was coming), and at that point she weighed 18 lbs 8 oz.  
We did not make it out for trick or treat this 1st Halloween (that was the day she started with her eye problems, and wasn't feeling well...she slept from when I picked her up from school until bedtime!), but we did at least have an adorable outfit to wear that Aunt Rose got for her. (I'll save the costume I bought for next year, it would have probably been too big anyway).  Here are some photos of her in her Halloween outfit.

She still doesn't really say anything distinct, she babbles A LOT, especially when she is talking to Tugger. The closest to anything she "says" sounds like: I got it, and DaDa.

Here are a couple other photos for you to enjoy:

This is how she keeps busy while I am putting her clothes away....

Until next time....

1 comment:

  1. She is just ADORABLE!!!! Getting SOOOO big! Hopefully we will get to see you all soon. Love to you all!
