Thursday, September 27, 2012

Meredith is 2 months!

Where has the time gone?!? It is so hard to believe that Meredith is already 2 months old!
We went to the Dr today, he said everything looks great! She got her first set of shots, and did really well she didn't cry too much. She is 11 lbs 2 oz which was the 50th percentile (Madilynn was 10 lbs 12 oz); she is 23 inches long- 75th percentile (Madilynn was 24 inches). We will continue with the gas drops that she gets before every feeding since they seem to be helping, but no need for anything else since overall she really seems to be doing very well.
 She has really started smiling a lot over the past couple weeks. And just as her sister did, she likes to look out and see what is going on when you hold her. At first she didn't mind being held and rocked to sleep, now she seems to be taking after her sister in that when she is ready to go to sleep she likes to just be put into her bed so she can go to sleep.
She is doing fairly well with sleeping, going to bed around 8 or 9 and usually waking close to the 1, 3, and 5 o'clock hours. One night we had a stretch where she slept from 12 to 0645, but unfortunately that was only one night, and hasn't become a trend. I'm still off on maternity leave, my first day back is October 18th, so hopefully we can get rid of that 3 am feeding by then!
As much as her big sister Madilynn seems to love her, Meredith seems to love her just as much!! She doesn't seem to mind it when Madilynn gets in her face and yells "Baby!!  Oh, Baby!!!", or when Madilynn grabs her hands to do "row-row", or when Madilynn leans in for a loving kiss before bed.
Favorite places to hang out - swing (watching the lambs and moons go by), playmat.
Such a big girl - Enjoy the photos....

Though Tugger doesn't use this bed, we get plenty of use out of it anyway!
As you can tell both, Madilynn and Meredith seem to enjoy it!
And now for her "official" 2 month photos.... 

Until next time...


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