Thursday, January 10, 2013

Christmas 2012

I received many comments regarding Tugger not making the Christmas card. So here he is...
Matt's family, including Grandma Sharon were able to come join us for Christmas. We had a wonderful dinner, great gifts, and great fun...
A Minnie Shirt from Aunt Katie and Shayne.
They also gave the girls "Twas the night before Christmas" a book they recorded for them. Shayne sounded just like Santa!!
Uncle Bryan bought Madilynn a princess tent/tunnel...she LOVES it!
Unfortunately we couldn't get Madilynn to cooperate for a family here's Matt and Meredith...
Madilynn loves climbing in baskets/boxes/crates....she was able to get Meredith to join her...
Matt worked on December 25th, so the girls and I went to Columbus to visit with Dad since he was still in the rehab facility....
After our visit with dad we were able to visit for a bit with Nicci and Aunt Val...
Christmas was spread over several days for us since we both worked several days Christmas week....we still weren't able to see everyone we would have liked, but all the moments we did have together! Looking forward to next year, both girls will be at such a fun age!!! We can't wait!

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