Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Meredith is 5 Months Old!

With December being as busy as it was, and now the girls being sick with RSV these posts have been a bit delayed! Meredith was 5 months old December 24th! It's hard to believe she is getting so big so fast! Here are some of the photos I took of her today....
This month Meredith has really grown in how she interacts with everything. She reaches for everything, and of course whatever she does get ahold of goes straight into her mouth. She is rolling everywhere! I can no longer put her down and expect her to be in the same spot when I come back! She is really starting to enjoy her jumper, and is starting to actually jump a bit! She still needs a pillow under her feet so she can reach...but that might not be for much longer.
She has doesn't have any teeth yet....I'm sure those will be popping through within the next month or two.  This month we started her on cereal...she seems to enjoy it, and is getting much better at eating it rather than wearing it. She's been doing fairly well with sleeping...she goes down just after Madilynn - usually around 8:30 or 9, and generally sleeps till 3 or 4. Though now that they have both been sick either they have been waking more, or I've been waking them to give them Albuterol breathing treatments during the night. As you can see from the photos she is starting to sit on her own pretty well! With the girls being sick Mickey Mouse Clubhouse has been on the TV a lot....especially when they are getting their breathing treatments....I think Meredith is starting to enjoy this show just as much as Madilynn!  She is starting to get more vocal - no specific words - just a lot of fun baby sounds!  Here are some more photos from over the past month....
These fingers have become our biggest obstacle when trying to feed her her cereal!
Enjoys her playmat - just doesn't stay on it much anymore -
she's too busy off rolling around everywhere!
Madilynn loves to bring Meredith her toys!
We've had a lot of pajama days lately - so glad to see them starting to feel a bit better!

1 comment:

  1. She's a 2-finger sucker just like my little one!!! They will be BFF... as soon as we can get them together! All of your pictures and posts are great, I'm just catching up now... the girls are so cute!
