Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Meredith is 11 months old!

I know I say it every month - but I just can't believe how fast the time is going - and that my little baby is already 11 months old! She is getting so big - and is really starting to develop her own little personality. (You can see some of it in the pictures I was able to capture of her making her silly faces.)

Meredith had a bit of a rough patch this month - she had about a week of fevers running around 103. The fevers had started with another ear infections - but just wouldn't go away - even on antibiotics! We were quite concerned about these fevers - especially when they broke and her temp dropped to 96! The night her fever finally broke she broke out in a rash - finally we had an answer to the week of high fevers - she had gotten Roseola on top of her ear infection! Thank goodness the rash didn't bother her, and didn't even last 24 hours! Because this was her 5th ear infection the Dr recommended we see an ENT doctor. Our appointment is tomorrow - which couldn't have come at a better time - because just today I had to take her in to the Dr again - for another ear infection (#6)! Poor thing! Luckily this one hasn't had any high fevers with it! She is actually doing pretty well considering.  Her height today was 29.5 inches and she was 17 lbs 7oz. She is typically wearing 9 or 12 month stuff....but depending on how the waist fits some of the things she still wears are 6 month! Her eyes and hair are still brown - though her hair does seem to be lightening up. She also has a bit of a curl to her hair - especially when it is humid out.
She did sleep the entire night a few nights this month...hopefully once we can get this infection under control she can get back to doing that again! Well... maybe once a couple more teeth break through. Her top teeth are starting to come in - her top left has pushed it's way through just today! Bringing the grand total to 3!

This was the week she was sick - probably the last time she'll be in here....
she's usually too busy to sit in the swing!

She isn't able to walk on her own just yet - but she is getting close to taking a few steps - I wouldn't be surprised if she is able to do it before her birthday!
She's starting to stand without holding onto anything more and more...

Silly girl likes to hold things and crawl with them.

She is also starting to push things around...(much like how Madilynn used to turn this little stool upside down and push Ruby around) Meredith can often be found pushing things around the house....

It's hard to tell - but she is pushing this chair around - she just made a loop through the kitchen!

She is starting to eat more and more normal foods....

I've told you she is into everything...here's a couple photos showing just what I mean!
There are several times where she has kept herself busy climbing in and out of the bumbo seat....

Mammaw and Pappaw bought the girls these cute little chairs - we thought it was so cute Meredith could climb up into it and sit....then she started to stand....so we had to take them away for awhile...

Some other cute photos from this month....

Until next time....

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