Thursday, June 27, 2013

What has Madilynn been up to?

We had quite the strawberry patch - May and the first part of June. So picking Strawberries was of course on the top of Madilynn's list of things to do. She would eat them just as fast as they could be picked!

She helps water the flowers.... 
We try to go on bike rides as often as we can... 
Sometimes this silly girl will pull Meredith's Ducky Bath out into the family room to sit time she had gotten it out and was sitting in it singing Row-Row-Row your boat....
Often she will pull her chair up in front of the swing and sit there and push Mickey and Minnie (check out her boots she loves to wear). Other times she will put one in the swing, and one in Meredith's jumper and make you sit on the other green chair and make Minnie jump while she pushes the swing. 
Here she is with Matt on Father's day - eating a graham cracker - one of her current favorites! (Along with Fruit Snacks)
Here she was able to talk Uncle Bryan into riding in her "bus"'s either that...or she wants you to sit in her closet with her....which lately she has been sleeping in...I asked her why she is sleeping in there she said "it's dark"...perhaps her night light is too bright?!?! Who knows....

Of course still loves blowing bubbles... 
Enjoys swimming - last weekend was our first weekend in our newly remodeled she is with cousin Emily. 

She is also into changing her clothes when she is suppose to be napping or going to bed.
This morning I had to snap a photo of what she woke up in. I must tell you - under these yellow bottoms, she had 2 more bottoms, then her pajama pants (inside out) and another pair of bottoms, and then her pull-up (thank goodness she kept that on!)
She is talking so much more, and will often sing about whatever it is she is doing. She loves her "baby sister" and tries to get her to play, she will push her in her swing, and hold her hand while she tries to walk. I've also found her "sharing" her food with Meredith if she can reach her tray at dinner.
Everyone keeps asking how Madilynn is doing - so I thought I would share....

1 comment:

  1. so adorable and spunky!! Love your pics, your girls are so cute! This age is so much fun (and busy)!!
