Thursday, July 25, 2013

Meredith is 1 year old!

It's hard to believe it has been a whole year since Meredith was born! What a year this girl has had! Unfortunately Meredith has been sick a majority of this past year (croup, hand foot and mouth, RSV, roseola, and 7 ear infections - Thanks daycare and big sister!!!). I'm pretty sure that all of this sickness it why Miss Meredith is as little as she is...we went to the Dr today, and she is down to 16 lbs 11 oz (was 17 lbs 7 oz a couple weeks ago). She is 29 inches long. With her adorable smile you would never even know she's been so sick!
Meredith stopped nursing and taking bottles a couple weeks ago - now she is drinking from a sippy cup and is doing great! We don't even have to make it chocolate milk like her sister had to have! She has also graduated to mostly all regular food - she is doing great - I think she really enjoys picking up the food and feeding herself....she's still not quite into fruits like Madilynn though.  Meredith seems to eat most anything I give her - favorites so far appear to be cheese, yogurt, and cheerios.
Ever since Meredith got her ear tubes she has been sleeping so much better at night! We went from having a handful of nights this past year where she had slept the entire night - to now only having a couple of nights where she has woken up and had me hold her....we should have done these ear tubes months ago!!! She still takes 2 naps each day - one usually not long after she wakes in the morning (wakes around 7 or 8)....and another after lunch (generally coincides with Madilynn's nap).
She is wearing 12 month sleepers and onesies....but many of her shorts/skirts are only 6 month because her waist is so tiny. In fact she is able to wear Madilynn's old two piece 3-6 month bathing suit - and it is still big around her waist!
Meredith is still working on walking - she walks great if she is holding onto something....but has only taken a few steps on her own. As far as talking goes she is only saying a couple things "ma-ma", "da-da", "ba-ba"...they seem to think that since she got her tubes she should be able to hear a lot better - and should start talking more.
Eyes are still brown, as is her hair (though it has lightened up quite a bit)...she still has little "wings" with hair on the left side so long it has to be tucked behind her ear. Still with 4 teeth - 2 top and 2 bottom. Still sucks on her first two fingers on her left hand when she is tired.

These month photos have gotten much more difficult now that she is so mobile...she kept wanting to get into the cabinet and play with all the napkins and plates rather than sit for me to take her picture...

She is much more into climbing - and is able to climb up into her little green chair all on her own - she gets so excited (and proud) once she does it!

Other photos from this past month...

Another thing she likes to climb into....the baby cradle....

Big girl sitting at the table enjoying puffs and cheerios with big sister Madilynn...
After all the craziness of the past year it is hard to imagine what fun these two little girls will bring us over this next year!!! 

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