Sunday, July 21, 2013

Meredith's 1st Birthday Party

Yesterday we celebrated Meredith's 1st birthday!
All of her month day photos....

Other photos from this past year...

With mommy, daddy, and big sister Madilynn


With Great-Grandma Sharon
Meredith had trouble crawling in her dress - so she would just "crawl" using her hands and feet - she will often crawl this way on tile - it is cute to watch!

Big girl climbed up in the chair on her own.

She got wonderful gifts - including an egg/shape/color matching set, a bead maze, books, clothes, animals for her zoo, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse DVD, ladybug backpack, and money - this girl is set! I think Madilynn had just as much fun opening the gifts as Meredith did.

Cake time!

(She was way past ready for a nap by this time....hence - the fingers in her mouth!)

I think Madilynn enjoyed the cake just as much (if not more) than Meredith!
She was sneaking tastes the whole time - until she got her own BLUE cupcake that is!

After cake time the sugar gave Meredith her second wind, and she was able to play for quite awhile longer before she finally laid down for her nap.
Big sister took her for a ride in the little wagon (I've seen Meredith sit in this wagon before - but never seen her go for a ride in it!) - she loved it!

Another silly face! Hate to end the post with this photo - but actually this is the face we see a lot lately!!! :)
We had a great time - even though the weather was rainy/stormy and we had to stay inside!
What a year it has been!

1 comment:

  1. happy, happy birthday Meredith!! It just goes too fast! Love the pics, she is just a doll!! (as is Madilynn!) Miss you!
