Thursday, October 3, 2013

September Fun...

Here are some random pictures from this past month....mostly just ones that make me smile!

Here Meredith is carrying around this old bear of Tugger's....She does try to get him to play with it...sometimes....but usually she carries it around everywhere...

And these stacking rings....she loves wearing them like bracelets!!
My little Daredevil!
Climbed up into Madilynn's bed all by herself! 

She also climbed up into the swing all by herself...Then Madilynn started swinging her...then she fell out, climbed in again, fell out I had to put it away...quite a sight I'm sure, me carrying the swing down the hall, both girls following me crying and screaming because I was taking it away!!!
Thought it was cute that she turned around in her chair so she could watch the morning cartoons too!

Here is Madilynn being silly - popping up out of the Princess tent...Chocolate Milk in hand of course!

Last weekend Mamma and Pappa came over to play and brought this fun slide... The girls loved it!

Madilynn is quite the worker, and between bubbles and sliding she would help Daddy and Pappa with the planting.... 

Then we found a caterpillar...had to make it a home...

Now we have 3...they are loving eating the mum flowers....I guess they are ok for them to eat...considering they are all 3 still alive!
Here are a couple videos of Madilynn.
The first is of her doing a somersault all on her own...we've practiced several weeks ago, but this past Saturday she got down her mat and just started doing them on her own!!!
The other one is of her at dinner - after a day of fun outside...without a nap!!!

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Until next time....

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