Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Music Time

We have been going to Music Time at the library on Tuesdays for several sessions now...I finally decided to take my camera to get some pictures of the girls. They love music time, it is full of fun songs, shaky eggs, bells, and scarves!

Madilynn of course has to find a purple scarf...

Today was the last session, and because Halloween is just around the corner the kids were encouraged to wear their costumes...didn't take much encouragement for these two...they were so excited to get to wear their costumes today- and are looking forward to Trick-or-Treat so they can dress up again!

(notice Meredith wearing her bells like a bracelet...usually she has 3 or 4 on her arm)

Next session isn't until 2014....glad I got some pictures now to capture how little they are...they are growing way too fast!!! We will miss Music Time...can't wait till it starts again in January!

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