Thursday, November 7, 2013

Atlanta Zoo

We were fortunate to have great weather on way to Alabama - so we decided to stop and enjoy the day at the Atlanta Zoo! This was Meredith's first trip to a zoo - and she really seemed to enjoy it...

There was a mariachi band playing at the front entrance of the zoo - the girls really enjoyed it! I was afraid we were going to spend the day watching them as opposed to looking at all the animals!


Just after I snapped this photo the front gorilla came over an pounded on the glass...needless to say this frightened the girls a we moved on rather quickly.
This one is holding a little baby in its arms... 
These were a couple of black bears that were playing.... 

Then it was on to the panda bears. The zoo had a couple of panda cubs born in July - we were hoping to see them, unfortunately they aren't ready for public viewing yet.

When we were talking about going to the zoo we asked Madilynn what she wanted to see.
 Her reply: "Monkeys - Purple Monkeys"
On our way out we passed by these....

We had decided each of the girls could pick one toy from the gift shop...guess what Madilynn picked...

She was so excited, and loves this little Monkey so much...she has named him George.
He went everywhere with us the rest of our trip...and when we went in places she would buckle him into her car seat where he would sit and wait for us to come out.

Meredith picked a panda bear...which she loves! It is so cute to watch her play with it and cuddle with it....

 We had such a great day - we couldn't have planned it any better if we would have tried!

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