Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Meredith is 2 Years Old!

This post is a couple weeks late - but better late than never!
Meredith turned 2 last month so I wanted to be sure to give a quick update as
to what this girl has been up to!

Her Birthday was on a Thursday this year - so we just had a simple cake at home that night.

Meredith really enjoys her icing...just like mommy!

Little Miss Meredith has entertained us and kept us busy in more ways than not!
Here are several photos I've captured of her on my phone over the past few months....I think they really help capture her personality!

She is definitely still my climber - she loves climbing on anything and everything!

She loves playgrounds - and loves to swing.
She still sucks her first two fingers on her left hand....now when she is tired she also puts her other
hand down her pants and rubs the outside of her diaper between her fingers....

 She is growing more and more attached to her little blanket Anna made her - luckily Anna made her a big one and a little one - the little one is MUCH easier to carry around!
Meredith LOVES babies - whether real or her dolls - she is such a great mommy!

Her latest thing is to call her baby "Baby Lyla"....well, not just her babydoll - she will also call other babies we see out and about "Baby Lyla"...she absolutely loves it when she gets to see her cousin Lyla! She loves to try to hold her - and apparently any other babies too. While out getting my oil changed the lady at the desk recognized Meredith from day care - she said every morning when she drops off her 4 month old Meredith wants to hold her!
Meredith luckily still sleeps in her crib (certainly helps keep her contained and out of trouble)!
Often times you see her with her legs sticking out the rails as above! Surprisingly she hasn't climbed out yet - which is good - I hope to keep her in there as long as possible!

She loves her big sister, and of course loves to be there right along side her doing whatever it is she is doing!

She has definitely gotten more verbal over the past month or so....in some of the videos you will see some of the cute things she is saying. Common things - "Maman" (Madilynn) "Doggie" (what she's been calling tugger) "p-bo" (Peek-a-boo). She has pretty good manners and it is so precious when she says "Thank you mommy".
She knows most animals and what sounds they make - she calls Monkeys "monks".
She hasn't started counting yet - so we will need to work on that - as well as her colors.
She loves to sing and dance - and would love it if we could get her into a gymnastics class...but she's too young just yet.
She's doing pretty good swimming (with her swim vest on of course)...she doesn't mind going underwater at all...and actually jumped off the diving board before Madilynn did this summer!
She is wearing mostly 2T clothes...except for pants/shorts/skirts...even the 18month ones still fall off this little one! Not looking forward to finding pants that are long enough and stay up this winter!! Shoe size is 5 - she doesn't seem to have Clouse feet like Madilynn.
At her recent check up she was 22 pounds and 35.5 inches tall - getting so big!
(she still has her ear tubes - though according to the Dr one will likely fall out soon)
Her hair still has a good bit of curl to it, especially when it is humid out. It is still brown - but has certainly lightened up this summer!
We haven't tackled potty training yet - although she has gone in the potty a couple times!
She seems to enjoy going to Wesley Taylor for daycare on Monday,  Wednesday, Fridays while I work....though the days after she's been there she is tired - some of those days she still enjoys two naps - otherwise usually she just takes one good nap after lunch. She is still doing an excellent job sleeping at night - she usually is ready for bed by 730 or 8 and will sleep till the 8 o'clock hour (or later).
Foods - this girl LOVES cheese - American cheese slices, string cheese, macaroni and cheese! She also does pretty good eating yogurt or fruit. Not much of a vegetable eater...used to like green beans - but now doesn't even really eat those. She does pretty good eating meatballs or hotdogs or pizza - but not really much of a fan of chicken nuggets.
Here are a few more photos for you to enjoy....

 Below are a few videos for you to enjoy...
The bathtub one is where she is saying "Madilynn - Peek-a-boo"
She tends to growl at people which is captured in the middle left video.
The black one is just a peak at how our nights in the hotel were...as you can hear - not much sleeping going on...Meredith loved not being in a crib - and was consistently up until 11pm each night we were in DC!
Click on the one you want to watch and then once it is done click on it again to go back to the main screen to choose another one.

Click to play this Smilebox collage
It's been a crazy year - hopefully this post captures everything about our little Meredith (otherwise known as.....Mer-Mer....Trouble....Merdith Ann)! We love you and are so glad you bring so many smiles and laughs to our lives!

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