Sunday, March 1, 2015

Madilynn is 4 years old!

Here are some photos of our 4 year old Madilynn...

She loves all animals - especially her buddy Tugger (and Aggie too!)

Now that she is 4 she is so much more cooperative with smiling for the camera!
What a busy year we have had - we kept busy by going to music time - though now she feels like she is "too old" for it and we actually didn't do it this last session. She did however complete 2 sessions of gymnastics at the Circleville YMCA - she had a lot of fun - but this winter we have been taking a break from all the activities and just relaxing (which is fine with me - any sort of "rest" during this pregnancy is a blessing!).
She is getting so tall - at her check-up she was 42 inches tall and 36.5 lbs. She is currently in size 11 shoes - though I am sure 12's aren't that far off! She mostly wears size 4T clothes - although it is good spring/summer is coming because a lot of her pants are starting to get too short!
She loves wearing nightgowns to bed (probably because they remind her so much of dresses). She also loves long knee high socks, and still loves wearing her dresses.
She still sucks her thumb - we have been trying hard to stop - she got a new bike - but in order to get her helmet she knows she needs to stop sucking her thumb....we'll see if she can do it! Spring is coming soon!
Her favorite color is still purple though lately she tends to say she likes green as well. She has moved up to the PreK class, and is doing great! She can even write "Madi" now. She recognizes all her letters and numbers, and is starting to work on writing them.
She still loves watching TV shows on our days home - some of her favorites are Little Charmers, Team Umizoomi, My Little Pony, Curious George,  and Scooby-Doo.
She also loves movies - Brave seems to be her favorite, though she also likes Tangled, and The Princess and the Frog. With some of her birthday money she bought 101 Dalmatians - and has already watched it a couple times.
Madilynn is getting so grown up and baking is one thing that we tend to do during Meredith's nap time....I've even started letting her crack the eggs - she surprisingly does pretty well!
She is such a great big sister - and loves trying to help encourage Meredith, and keep her on the right track. She likes helping her....and does a pretty good job of helping me too! She is pretty excited about the new baby - she loves listening to the baby's heartbeat, and has even gone to a couple of my Dr's appointments with me so she could hear it.
She likes to help with the laundry, and is getting good at helping set and clean up the table for meals.
This past summer we weren't able to do swim lessons - yet once she started wearing her goggles she was able to start swimming (in the shallow end - a few feet at a time).
Favorite foods include: chicken nuggets with BBQ sauce, cheese tacos, deviled eggs, cake, mint chocolate chip ice cream, jello, bagels with cream cheese, plain cheese pizza, peas, and most any kind of fruit. She enjoys going to eat at Applebee's, Buffalo Wild Wings, and YO.M.G frozen yogurt.
It's hard to sum up an entire year - it's going by so quickly, I'm sure there are several things I forgot to mention.....all I know is I love this little girl more than anything and feel so blessed to have such a caring, sweet little girl that I get to call my daughter.
Love you Madilynn Rose - now PLEASE - STOP GROWING!!!!

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