Sunday, March 1, 2015

Madilynn's 4th Birthday!

 Madilynn's birthday this year was on a Tuesday - and I was off - so the girls and I  had a fun filled day celebrating Madilynn's big day!
We started the day with playing out in the freshly fallen snow.... 

Even in all the snow they still LOVE to swing!

In the afternoon Madilynn decided she wanted to go check out the play area
 at McDonald's....They loved it!
Afterwards we went to get some frozen yogurt - complete with sprinkles!

We had a pretty fun day!
The Saturday following her birthday was when we were planning her birthday party. Just a small family get together - however once again this year the weather did not cooperate - so we had to cancel her party. Even though no one was coming over to celebrate with us we still had fun baking her cake and opening her presents....

She made a white cake with purple specks in it, and purple icing topped with sprinkles
I helped ice the sides - but Madilynn did the rest of the decorating - which included nearly 1 entire bottle of sprinkles.....

She was so surprised and happy with the horse we got her.

We were sad we didn't get to celebrate with a party - but we still had fun....with all the snow we were able to play outside too.
Maybe next year mother nature will cooperate and we will be able to have an actual party for Miss Madilynn.

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