Thursday, May 21, 2015

Spring Soccer - 2015

This spring we decided to try Soccer! We found a league that was FREE! So Madilynn and two of her friends from school signed up to be on the same team. The season consisted of weekly practices and games. There were 6 games all together. Sometimes the practices were rough since we had to rush from school straight to practice, but overall the "season" went really well.

Here she is ready for her first official practice!
(Thanks Easter Bunny for bringing her a new soccer ball - it was just what she needed!)

The girls being silly at the end of their first practice....

Getting ready for game #1.... 

Madilynn was quite shy a majority of the first game - she spent most of her time right by coach Ryan's side (holding his hand).  

She needed lots of encouragement - and finally joined in the fun...and got a GOAL!!!! 
(That was exactly what she needed - after that she was a goal making machine!)

Sometimes Meredith would escape out onto the field....she was ALWAYS keeping mommy busy during the games and especially during practices!

Madilynn and her best friend Lilly

Game #2 Madilynn really started enjoying the game and had lots of fun, and lots of GOALS! 

Counting all her goals (sometimes I think she counted a few of her teammate's as her own....)

Mamma and Pappa even came to watch a couple of her games - she LOVED this.
We even had a Sunday game and Aunt Valerie, Baby Lyla, Aunt Stephanie, and Pappa Jim were able to come watch!  She is one lucky little girl! 

Looking like a pro.... 

So excited to get a goal - she was "winning" treats for her and Pappa to share after the game!

Meredith loved congratulating her big sister when she got a goal!

So glad we tried it - she did great! Made me so proud to see her participate and actually enjoy it!
Meredith would sometimes use the games to practice her soccer skills- who knows....maybe next time they will both want to play!

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