Thursday, August 20, 2015

Joseph is 2 months old!

These pictures were taken when Joseph turned 2 months - FINALLY getting a chance to post them and his update! Lots of photos - so hard for me to narrow them down - I of course think they are all adorable! Enjoy!

Joseph is our little peanut. At his check-up he was 10 lbs. 8 oz. and 22.5 inches long.
He is doing really well - eating every 3 hours, although frequently he does give me a long almost 5 hour stretch when I put him down around 7 or 8pm. I am very fortunate in that he does great at night and goes right back to sleep after I feed him.
He is wearing mostly newborn size clothes, although he will be moving up to the 3 month sleepers soon since he is getting too long for the newborn ones.

He really loves his swing which is great because on days the girls are home that is where he spends a majority of his time.

He is also starting to share the cutest smiles with us! 

We all knew it would only be a matter of time before he found his thumb....
Such a sweetheart!

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