Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Meredith is 3 years old!

Again a little late - but better late than never! July 24th Meredith turned 3 years old. And after bribing her with popsicles and donuts I was able to get these adorable pictures of her. (Get ready for photo overload!)

This butterfly kept following us around the whole time we were out there!
As I started to gather pictures of the past year I came across quite a few that I feel really represent Meredith and show just how silly, fun, adventurous, and tiring (for mommy) she has been this past year. As you look at these I hope you find yourself smiling, laughing, and perhaps even shaking your head saying...."Oh, Mer Mer"
The year wouldn't be complete without a trip to the ER - this time we went to the Children's ER in Columbus because we were afraid she had broken her leg....she had spent nearly 24 hours refusing to put weight on it, and had us worried it was broken. Luckily it wasn't! This is after she got done getting her x-ray...thank goodness Mamma went since pregnant mommy had to leave the room!
As for her 3 year update:
 She is doing really well with her development - she is saying more and more everyday and always surprises us with something! Although, we still need to work on a few words like "moat-meal" "Took-ies" and  "Ma-wyn"...and she always scares me when she starts singing "Uptown Funk you up"...
She knows her shapes and colors, and is counting higher everyday. She sings her ABC's, although her favorite song to sing other than "Uptown Funk you up" and "All about that base" has been "Baa Baa Black Sheep". Now that she is in Preschool she will be working on letter and number recognition.
She doesn't really eat too much - likes her oatmeal bar and fruit bars...but her favorite is powdered donuts (that's what she even chose to take in for her class treat on her birthday). Usually she just wants to eat what you are eating....literally - your meal off your plate - not the same food that is on her own plate! Which explains why she is still so little - weighed 27 pounds at her check-up. Hot dogs (in a hot dog dog), and Easy-Mac are other favorites.  She still wears mostly 2T shorts / skirts because they are the only ones that will stay up, otherwise she wears 3T.  Shoe size 7, but moving up to size 8 very soon. She has lost her right ear tube, and according to the Dr it appears she will lose the other one soon.
We are still working on being fully potty trained. Although she has been pull-up free at school for over a month now, we are still struggling at home. She will even go put a pull-up on herself if she needs to poop! (Hoping to change that soon!)
She moved into  Madilynn's room at the beginning of the year....boy what a transition that has been getting them to share a room! Let's just say they don't stick to their bedtime as well as we would like!
Favorite colors - purple and pink. Loves playing with play-doh, coloring, and taking care of her babies.  Her favorite TV shows are Bubble Guppies and Team UmiZoomi. Still loves Frozen.  Getting better at swimming - using arm swimmies Aunt Jenny brought her...but still not a fan of going under the water (likely due to her ear issues).

Now enjoy the photos!!!!

She says to me "Look Mommy - I driving my car - Vroom Vroom!"

As I recall I gave her the bag and told her she could have "a few"...

She "drives" this car quite often - will even open the doors to put her feet in. I love this because it also shows her other love - not wearing her clothes!

Nothing like being 9 months pregnant and having Meredith dump all the CLEAN clothes out of the basket so she can use it to climb up on the counters! Such a little Monkey!

I think she likes to take ALL the clothes off the rod so she can swing on it...

Loves, Loves her babies - takes such good care of them - especially "Baby Teri"

She's a sucker for icing - just like her momma!
Loves powdered donuts the best - but will NEVER turn a donut down!
Apparently it's comfortable in here?!?!

Ears are still pretty sensitive - she will often cover them for loud noises - poor girl kept them covered most of Memorial Day.

Oh the blanket - this is the one Anna made her - she LOVES her "Big Ban-ket"

And the fingers....still sucks on those....and rubs the pull-up between her fingers (hence the hand down the pants). Although now that we have been potty training it isn't uncommon to see her carrying around a pull-up - just so she can rub it.

Well if she could pick out her clothes everyday this is what she would wear (and not just for bed)- her Frozen Pajamas....she LOVES these...

Starting to do her hair a bit (oh, and get into the freezer on her own too!)

Oh the toes....gotta clean them...
I figured this is cuter - her cleaning Joseph's toes...rather than a picture of her cleaning mine...but if she sees you in just socks don't be surprised if she takes them off and starts cleaning yours!
 Yep - no clothes - and those boots....saw her in this quite a bit this past year....
As silly and busy as she is she definitely is growing into her role as a Big Sister. She absolutely LOVES Joseph...and asks multiple times a day if she can hold him. When she sees me come to pick her up from school she runs to wash her hands so she can kiss on him, pat him and give him hugs.

It's been a crazy year Mer Mer - you kept us on our toes that's for sure!
So excited for the years to come....don't ever stop making us smile!
Love you!

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