Sunday, May 5, 2013

April Fun - Madilynn Style!

So many of the posts lately are updates on Meredith - so I wanted to be sure to let you know what  Miss Madilynn has been up to.
She is doing well at school, and seems to enjoy going the days that she does (Mon, Wed, Fri). They are really helping to keep me on track - no longer allowing her to use a sippy cup, as well as encouraging us to get her potty trained. She has graduated to pull-ups....however mommy hasn't had any consecutive days at home to really try to officially potty train....may be a project for May - we'll see....
She is a great big sister - and loves Meredith to pieces.
 Here are some photos of her from the past month....
Ok, so yes this bumbo seat is actually for Meredith - however Madilynn is the one you find sitting in it most often!
BUBBLES!!!! That is what Madilynn loves most!!! Now that the weather is nicer we have been able to go out and blow bubbles more often - which she just loves! 

This silly photo was taken when I noticed on the monitor she wasn't napping in her room....she instead was getting out ALL of her pants and putting them on! I think she had each leg in 3 different pairs!!! Silly girl! I also often find shoes in her bed with her when she wakes from her naps...usually they are not matching, and are shoes that don't even fit her anymore - but she loves to get them out of her drawer and wear them!
This past week I have been trying to have the girls get their baths at the same time.
I got the ducky bath out for Meredith - but of course Madilynn was most excited about it - and HAD to be in the ducky with Meredith!!!


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Madilynn loves singing....she has added many songs to her list. And though she enjoys going to Music Time at the library on Tuesdays the songs she sings at home are ones they must sing at school.
The songs she sings include: ABC's; Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star; Row, Row, Row your boat; The Itsy Bitsy Spider; No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed; Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes; Baa, Baa Black Sheep.
The toy box in Madilynn's room is empty - good thing - because she LOVES playing in it! 

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This little girl sure does keep me busy! She loves blowing bubbles and swinging in her swing. She also enjoys watching TV - which is good because it gives mommy a chance to get things done around the house! Her current favorite is Dora the Explorer, followed by Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and Little Einsteins.  Some things you may hear her say: "Yeah, Sure"  or when she climbs into her new booster seat and locks her tray into place you'll often hear "I stuck, I stuck". When Meredith cries - "It's ok Baby, it's Ok".  If she is trying to talk me into giving her some of the puffs Meredith is eating - "A little bit'a puffs". She loves to cover her baby dolls (or Meredith) up with blankets, pat their backs and say - "night, night ba-by - night, night ba-by".When she wants Tugger or Meredith to chase her - "No get me baby sister (Tugger)- no get me!" When she wants you to pick her up- "I hold you".

If you are ever bored - come spend a few hours at our house!!!


1 comment:

  1. Love the pics, they are just too cute!! Can't wait to get our girlies together... maybe they would all play together perfectly and we could chat? hahahahah
