Sunday, May 26, 2013

Meredith is 10 Months Old!

Here they are side by side - each at 10 months old!

I was able to get these cute pictures of Meredith after she woke from her nap. She still takes 2 naps per day that are usually at least an hour each (if not longer).
Meredith is keeping us busy - she is into EVERYTHING! She still crawls to get around, but that doesn't slow her down! She has also started walking with the green dinosaur - that allows her to get around much quicker - IF she can keep Madilynn off of it that is!

She unfortunately still wakes anywhere from 1 to 3 times per night...we are still breastfeeding - so I am sure that has a lot to do with it. She is eating ~ 2 jars of food per day, typically vegetables, though we are trying to incorporate other things. School has started letting her experiment with table food - though at home she has only had a few things like bananas, green beans, peas, yogurt - though a majority of these end up on her seat rather than in her mouth! She is a big fan of Cheerios - much like Madilynn was (is). She gets so excited when she sees the box! She uses both hands to eat - she doesn't favor one over the other that I have noticed yet.
As far as clothes go she generally wears 9 - 12 months....though she still fits in several shirts and skirts that are 6 months. She isn't quite able to fit into any of Madilynn's old shoes yet - she's still only about a size 2, and size 3 are the smallest we have.
She's been lucky that she has all of Madilynn's old toys to play with!

One day I found her IN the magazine rack!

Still only has the two bottom teeth...but chews on EVERYTHING! Maybe some new ones will pop through this month...

When she is done eating and doesn't want anymore she has a bad habit of rubbing her eyes and usually most meals are pretty messy.
She still isn't saying much - sort of says "ma-ma" - she will squeal with excitement - and when she wants something you know it because she has a death grip on it.  It is quite difficult to pry things out of Meredith's hands - perhaps she's developed this trait out of survival - it might be the only way she can keep ahold of the toy she is playing with so her sister doesn't take it!!
I can't believe it is only a couple more months till she is 1 year old!!!
This year - as tough as it has been - is going way too fast!!!

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