Friday, May 3, 2013

Meredith is 9 months old!

Better late than never! Meredith turned 9 months old back on the 24th, was the first day I've had a chance to finally post an update! (and this is only because I had to leave work at 9:30 this morning to go pick her up from daycare because she had a fever...again...and we are just relaxing before I go pick up Madilynn later this afternoon!)

I was able to get these couple photos taken yesterday....

We've had quite a month, unfortunately full of sleepless nights! Mainly due to ear infections, last week an upper respiratory virus with high fever, and now today another ear infection with a high fever. I kept thinking some of the sleeplessness was due to new teeth coming - but she still only has her two bottom teeth! We've still be trying to increase the amount of food/milk she has during the day to prevent these nighttime awakenings...but they don't seem to do much. We are up to 3 "meals" a day  (usually a vegetable mixed with her rice cereal since she still isn't much of a fan of fruits). We also just started "puffs" this week, she seems to like them, and does a pretty good job of picking them up and eating them. They have also started introducing a sippy cup at school - I haven't seen her do much but chew on it when I've tried it at home, so we haven't made that a regular thing just yet...maybe we'll work on it this month!
At the doctor today she was 16 lbs 8 oz. ( so really she hasn't gained much weight over the past few months - probably a combination of all her sickness, as well as the fact that she is so BUSY!!!)
This past month she has really started pulling up on everything to stand!
It started in the crib!!!

This magazine bin is quite the baby magnet - I have a similar shot of Madilynn around this age getting into all the magazines!
Was lucky enough to catch this photo of her standing on her own (lasted about a whole 0.2 seconds)! She's done it a couple other times, but not on a consistent basis as of yet. Not taking any steps on her own, nor is she really "cruising" yet....just standing....
Meredith is apparently a good dress-up model for Madilynn....

And a couple more fun shots of Meredith from this past month....

We were able to get this swing time in the other day while Madilynn was still napping....(swinging and blowing bubbles are Madilynn's favorite activities!)  
Until next time....

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