Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas Day

After we got our naps in we were ready to enjoy our Christmas day with our wonderful family.
Everyone came over to enjoy a wonderful meal, gifts, and of course some entertainment by Miss Madilynn and Miss Meredith...

So happy and surprised to see Mamma and Pappa when they woke up!

Uncle Brian did a great job with is gift choices for the girls...
Madilynn just loved this little Guitar she got - she has provided us with plenty of entertainment already...

They both seem to enjoy this little Elephant letter and shape learner... 
A surprise from Pappa Jim were these blankets he had especially made for each of the girls... 

Thanks to Aunt Val for more food choices for the girls' kitchen...their choices had been quite limited. I think Meredith tried each and every one of these new pieces! 

A Microphone - for uncle Brian...apparently he doesn't know how to get "quiet" gifts!!

Brian and Ana

Pappa and Mamma

The girls with Pappa Jim

(Love the purple boots!)

Katie and Shayne


Madilynn playing the guitar while Aunt Katie sang "Fuzzy Wuzzy was a Bear" over and over again!!!

We had such a great time - and were so thankful everyone was able to spend the day with us.
The girls were once again spoiled with those gifts listed above, and new clothes (which of course included a new purple dress for Madilynn), a new softball mitt and ball (pink and purple of course!), new books, a new set of keys with key chain, a new Elf movie, and Meredith got a new diaper bag for her baby.

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