Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning

Get ready for picture overload!  We had such a wonderful Christmas this year! Unfortunately Matt and I both worked on the 25th, but that didn't stop us from having a great Christmas Eve full of church, cookies for Santa, etc... (we just did it a few days early)!
Here's my little helper...helping mix up the jello for Cranberry Jello Salad for our Christmas dinner - she also helped me make Cheesecake which was delicious!

Our mantel complete with all 4 stockings! I finally finished Meredith's stocking just in time for Santa to come! Meredith's is the one on the far right....all the others were made with love by Gi-Gi years ago.

Here the girls are ready for church...

The girls did fairly well at church - Meredith dropped the hymnal several times, and thought it would be so much fun to run the aisles once she saw everyone go up for communion. When Madilynn heard a little baby crying her eyes got real big and she exclaimed "That's baby Jesus!!" We tried to explain that it wasn't, but she kept insisting it was....

When we got home we got ready for bed, then got the cookies out for Santa...

Someone didn't like the fact that the cookies weren't for her...

We didn't forget carrots for the reindeer...

Santa was so good to these little girls

Santa even wrapped Madilynn's books in purple wrapping paper!!

Who knew you could have so much fun with sleds...inside! Madilynn would sit in hers and say "Now Dasher, Now Dasher!!!" "Come on Mommy, come ride in my Sleigh!"

 The strollers Santa brought were a hit!
Meredith was so excited with the granola bar and puffs  that were in her stocking.
Madilynn loved the Monsters fruit snacks and new Spin-brush Dora Toothbrush and stickers that were in her stocking.

After they opened the gifts from Santa (Sleds, Strollers, Personalized books, Christmas books, and Monsters Inc. Movie) we ate some breakfast (biscuits and sausage) then continued opening all the other wonderful gifts under the tree!
Madilynn's first gift was her new Purple snow boots, and the second was a purple skirt, as soon as she got the skirt open she went running back to her room unzipping her PJ's asking me to help her get
  a purple shirt...She wore this while she opened the rest of her gifts...

I gave the girls all my old Care Bears - and found them each a stuffed Care Bear...

Meredith got her very own baby doll...

Such a little Mommy...

Meredith's face is they are opening Princesses for their Princess Castle

Tugger was worn out....probably wondering why we got up so early...


After we finished opening all the gifts (I got new perfume and towels/pot holders, and Matt got 2 new shirts and man slippers) we relaxed a bit and took naps to get ready for our party that afternoon.
 The rest of the girls gifts included clothes - new Sophia purple panties for Miss Madilynn who has been doing a spectacular job with her potty training, and some new purple socks, some PJs and some new shirts...
It was such a great morning....our living room is still a disaster with toys everywhere and of course two giant never know when  you need to take a sleigh ride around the house!!!
Can't wait for our next snow fall so we can use them outside!
"Happy Birthday Baby Jesus!!"

1 comment:

  1. LOVE all of your pictures, those girls of yours are just gorgeous!!! They are so blessed to have such wonderful parents and each other… such a special family you are!!
