Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Program 2013

Last Wednesday was the Christmas Program for the girls' school.
Meredith's class was simply a slide show they showed at the beginning that had pictures of all the babies. Madilynn's class "performed" a few songs...which are included in the smilebox below. Be sure to click on the arrows at the bottom of the smilebox to go to the next song....
Click to play this Smilebox slideshow
Meredith wasn't in the show - but she sure enjoyed dancing and climbing around while listening to all the songs.
She sure loves the Na,Na - Na,Na,Na song - and often sings it while waving her hands...hopefully I can add a video of that soon.
Thanks to Pappa, Mamma, Uncle Jason, and Grandma Sharon who came to enjoy the program and help watch Meredith so I could get the video!

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