Saturday, March 8, 2014

Madilynn is 3 years old!

Miss Madilynn is becoming such a big girl - she recently celebrated her 3rd birthday!
She is getting a little better about letting me take her picture - but she still only smiles when she wants to....luckily I've been able to capture more and more of her fun smiles!
Just this month she has started taking gymnastic classes at the YMCA. She has only attended 2 classes so far, but really seems to enjoy her "Tumblebugs" class.... 

Practicing balancing.... 
Her 3 year check-up went well - she weighs 31 lbs and is 39.25 inches tall. She generally wears size 3T or 4T clothes, and of course favors anything purple. She is not a fan of jeans - and loves to wear dresses around the house - or to nap in! She definitely has "Clouse" feet - she is currently in a size 9 - however probably not for much longer!
Madilynn is officially potty trained - and is doing a great job making it through the night too!  Once we finally decided to send her to school in panties she has not needed pull-ups anymore - maybe we should have tried it sooner than we did!
This past week Madilynn had her first visit to the dentist....she did a great job letting them clean her teeth with the marshmallow flavored paste! No cavities - just need to work on getting her to stop sucking her thumb....but if she's anything like her mom we've still got a long ways to go!!
Madilynn really enjoys coloring, and has been working on writing her letters at school, she is getting better at recognizing some of her letters.  Just the other day we were driving home from school and passed the Midas auto-shop and she says "Hey what's my M doing up there?!?"
The things she says lately always make me smile - some common things you may hear her say:
"That's disgusting"
"You forgot, Silly Mommy"
"Sure, Anytime"
"I Don't Believe It!"
"Be careful, that's fragile"
"Everytime, the whole world"
"That's dangerous"
"Privacy, please"
"Goodness Gracious"
"Woo-Hoo Oh yeah"
"Are you kidding me?!?"
And she either calls Meredith "Mer-Mer" or "Meredith Ann"...though the other day at school her teacher asked her what her sister's name was and she replied "Trouble".
Madilynn is a great big sister - she generally tries to help get things for Meredith - or include her in what she is doing/playing. 

(don't worry - they're fake)
Here she is cutting up Meredith's fruit for her...
Here they are looking at books before bed...
They found the page with the monkey and are doing the "Ooo-ooo Ahh-Ahh"
She really enjoys coloring/painting...
And now that she got some play dough for her birthday, she really enjoys playing with it...

Here are some highlights:
Favorite foods: Yogurt, any kind of fruit, chocolate pudding, French fries, Chocolate Milk
Favorite TV shows: Bubble Guppies, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Dora, and Wallykazam
Favorite toy to sleep with: She doesn't really have one - her bed is full of animals - recently it has been bunnies that she has to take to bed with her, and her purple fuzzy blanket. And you never know which bed she will sleep in (since she has two twin beds in her room) - or sometimes she makes up a bed on the floor.
Naps: still takes 1 nap after lunch, and usually it is a good one ~ 2 hours!!
Activities: Music Time at the library, and now Gymnastics at the YMCA
Favorite color: Purple
Favorite outfit: Purple witch costume - or any dress
Favorite games: Hide and seek, horsey rides
She also loves singing! She'll make up songs about whatever it is she is doing - she also loves to twirl around and dance while singing her songs.
Yep, she's my chocolate girl...the other day we were at the grocery store getting some eggs when she grabbed a carton of brown eggs, and said "Wait mom, we have to get the chocolate ones!"
Maybe she'll grow up to be a Doctor rather than a Purple Witch!

That's my update on my baby girl - what big year she has had - she is growing so much, I just can't get over the things she says never know what she's going to say - but generally it will make you laugh! She's such a smart, caring, compassionate, independent, fun loving girl - we are truly blessed to have her in our lives! Love you Miss Madilynn!

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