Sunday, March 9, 2014

Madilynn's Birthday Party

This year we had to post-pone Madilynn's Birthday party one week due to a GI bug, and too much snow! Needless to say, by time we had her party she was beyond excited!
Here she is in her purple dress... 
Aunt Val, Great-Grandma Blazer and baby Lyla... 

Madilynn got several wonderful gifts including: games (Don't break the ice, Dr Seuss Memory cards, The Ladybug Game, Disney Scrabble Junior, Sequence Jr) color kits, stickers, an animal keyboard with tons of batteries, sunglasses, nail polish, bows, books, socks, a change purse, bubble bath, DVD's, playdough, some more purple clothes, and some money.  She is set! Thanks so much!

Aunt Jackie and Ericka with the girls... 
Pappa Jim... 
Mamma Teri (Pappa was working)...

Aunt Val... 
Aunt Sharon and Uncle Bill... 
Aunt Stephanie... 
Great-grandma Sharon and Uncle Jason... 
Great-grandma Blazer... 
Cousin Nicci, Justin, and baby Lyla... 

Madilynn chose Bubble Guppies for her cake, with purple icing of course... 


(had to include this one - just check out Meredith's feet - see what I mean by "Trouble")

Thanks so much for such a wonderful 3rd Birthday Celebration!

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