Friday, March 7, 2014

Meredith is 18 months!

Or at least she was back in January...but because we delayed her 18 month check-up until February...I am a bit behind on updating info regarding our Miss Meredith. She is ALWAYS on the go - so I  couldn't really get a posed 18 month old photo.  You can see by the several photos below why a posed photo is essentially impossible with this little one!
Her 18 month (well almost 19 month) stats:  she weighed 20 lbs 8 oz  and was 33 inches tall.
She wears generally 18 month clothing, though some of the sleepers are even starting to look a little small. Pants still need to be full elastic waistbands so they stay up - so long as she isn't pulling them down herself!  She wears size 4 shoes.
She still sucks the first two fingers on her left hand.
She really loves her books...and even has a few favorites we read every night (one with animal sounds; 10 little fingers and 10 little toes (which she calls "Baby" since it has a baby on the front cover); Twinkle Twinkle little Star (which is full of nursery rhymes); Good Night Moon; and The Hungry Little Caterpillar.
Here she is checking out some of the books in Madilynn's room.
Meredith is still my climber - climbs on anything and everything she can. Luckily she hasn't climbed out of her crib! We hope to keep her in there as long as possible! When it comes to sleeping at night she is still doing great! She typically goes to sleep between 7:30 and 8pm, and wakes around 8 or 9 on days we don't have to go to daycare. She is down to generally 1 nap a day after lunch - but occasionally she will take 2 naps that are just shorter in length.
Here she is climbing up on things so she can look out the window in Madilynn's room... 
For the most part Meredith is full of smiles!
Here she is helping me grocery shop...
Here she is enjoying the slide at Mamma's house.
Just being silly...

Meredith loves to dance and "sing" - she really enjoys Music Time at the library. She also enjoys "coloring" though she still tends to eat the markers/crayons/etc... so she doesn't get a chance to draw too often.
Her vocabulary is expanding more and more. She really only says "ma-ma", "da-da", "Bye", "baby"...she uses a couple signs including all-done, more, and please. She is getting better at recognizing different animals including the giraffe, duck, and monkey (all of which she knows the signs for).
Her favorite toys include her baby dolls, her stuffed caterpillar, balls (she's actually a pretty good thrower), and of course anything Madilynn is playing with.
She's not too into TV, but does enjoy watching bits and pieces of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Dora, Bubble Guppies, and a new one called Wallykazam.

Meredith is very much into her Miss Independent phase - and generally wants to do everything herself (including feeding herself her yogurt, peeling her banana, picking out her shoes, hanging up her coat, putting her milk name it she wants to do it!) She does fairly well eating - some of her favorites include yogurt, blueberries, grapes, meatballs, hot dogs, cheese, green beans, and fruit bars.
Enjoying her yogurt...
Here she is after enjoying all the chocolate off a chocolate covered pretzel...
"Tub-ba Time" is another favorite of Miss Meredith - you tell her it is "Tub-ba Time" and she goes running for the bathroom! She really loves the water...loves everything about it...practically swims in the inch of water in the tub, and loves to splash! I think she is really going to enjoy the pool this summer!
She also loves the air vents...
Other cute photos....
(bracelets - another think she really likes)


 Where is the time going?  It is going way too fast...her 2nd birthday will be here before we know it!

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